Thermal Analysis of Mass Concrete Structures
Lock and Dam No. 26 (Replacement) Project Gao ID: RCED-84-87 February 17, 1984During a review of the Army Corps of Engineers Lock and Dam No. 26 (Replacement) Project, GAO observed that the Corps is using outdated thermal analysis techniques.
GAO found that state-of-the-art finite element computer programs are currently used by large consulting firms and Federal agencies for thermal analysis of mass concrete structures. In acknowledgment of their lack of experience with such thermal analysis programs, the Corps consulted with the Bureau of Reclamation and initiated a research and development program to study concrete cracking. The Corps stated that to use state-of-the-art programs on the first stage of the Lock and Dam No. 26 Project is impractical because it is nearly completed. However, the Corps is considering the feasibility of such programs in the second stage. The Corps recognizes the need for an expanded thermal analysis manual and a reassessment of its capability in this area. Because of the Corps' actions, GAO is not making any recommendations at this time.