Army Has the Opportunity To Recompete DAS3 Purchases and Improve Automated Battlefield Support
Gao ID: IMTEC-84-20 September 28, 1984GAO reviewed the Army's acquisition of the decentralized automated service support system (DAS3), which provides automation to combat service support functions on the battlefield.
GAO found that, after deciding to standardize combat service support computers, the Army developed a transition plan to move to new standardized hardware and software. Before the concept was approved, the Army conducted a competitive procurement and acquired 125 DAS3 systems of two different types, the DAS3-A and the more capable DAS3-B. Before operational testing of the DAS3-A was completed, the Army recommended that it be designated as the standard hardware for combat service support. After initial deliveries of DAS3-A systems, the Army determined that the DAS3-A could not meet mission requirements and needed to be upgraded. Subsequently, the Army, citing an urgent need, contracted on a sole-source basis with the original DAS3-A supplier to provide 260 DAS3-B systems. After a bid protest, the Army agreed to conduct a competitive procurement for the DAS3-B systems, but it is continuing to acquire DAS3-B systems under the sole-source contract pending a competitive contract award. GAO also found that the Army: (1) erred in waiving the operational testing requirements for the DAS3-A and in prematurely declaring the DAS3-A standard; and (2) has experienced delivery delays in application's software to be supported by hardware acquired under the sole-source DAS3-B contract. In addition, GAO found that the Army's plans for conducting a competitive procurement for DAS3-B systems are inadequate because the Army has not: (1) determined how many DAS3-B systems it needs; (2) decided how many DAS3-B systems it will competitively procure; or (3) explored alternatives to the DAS3-B.
RecommendationsOur recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Open," "Closed - implemented," or "Closed - not implemented" based on our follow up work.
Director: Carl R. Palmer Team: General Accounting Office: Information Management and Technology Division Phone: (202) 275-4649