Department of Defense Reports for February 1985
- OGC-85-4 - President's Fourth Special Message for Fiscal Year 1985 (1985-02-04)
- NSIAD-85-31 - Installation of an Air Force F-15 Aircraft Radar in a Navy P-3A Aircraft for Use by the Customs Service (1985-02-14)
- NSIAD-85-53 - Analysis of the Implementation of DOD's Resources Management Public Affairs Plan (1985-02-15)
- 126248 - The Navy's 1978 Shipbuilding Claims Settlement With General Dynamics Corporation (1985-02-20)
- NSIAD-85-47 - DOD Making Progress in Identifying and Marketing Obsolete Repair Parts (1985-02-21)
- OIRM-85-2 - Summaries of Conclusions and Recommendations on Department of Defense Operations (1985-02-28)
- NSIAD-85-54 - Overseas Workload Program--Need To Assess Costs and Contributions (1985-02-28)