Department of Defense Reports for March 1985
- NSIAD-85-42 - Major Defense Issues Being Addressed by the General Accounting Office (1985-03-01)
- NSIAD-85-51 - Navy Actions To Improve Overhaul Work at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard (1985-03-01)
- NSIAD-85-46 - Management of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Exercise Program Has Been Strengthened, But More Needs To Be Done (1985-03-05)
- 126397 - Managing and Accounting for Property Furnished to Defense Contractors (1985-03-06)
- NSIAD-85-43 - Navy Manpower Management (1985-03-07)
Continuing Problems Impair the Credibility of Shore Establishment Requirements - 126396 - Peacekeeper (MX) Intercontinental Ballistic Missile System (1985-03-08)
- HRD-85-21 - DOD Should Adopt a New Approach To Analyze the Cost Effectiveness of Small Hospitals (1985-03-15)
- NSIAD-85-58 - Military and Federal Civilian Disposable Income Comparisons Using January 1985 Pay Rates (1985-03-15)
- HRD-85-53 - HHS Allocation of Funds in FY 1985 To Support PHS Officers at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (1985-03-18)
- RCED-85-41 - The Corps of Engineers Should Revise Its Policy for Identifying Unneeded Land (1985-03-22)
- NSIAD-85-27 - Army Contracts Overpriced Due to Misapplication of Spares Formula Pricing Factor (1985-03-22)
- NSIAD-85-55 - The Navy Can Increase Cancellations of Procurements for Unneeded Material (1985-03-22)