Navy Actions To Improve Overhaul Work at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard
Gao ID: NSIAD-85-51 March 1, 1985Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO examined alleged deficiencies in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard's (PNSY) Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) for the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Saratoga, focusing on actions the Navy took to: (1) improve overall performance at the shipyard; and (2) preclude a recurrence of the type of technical problems experienced by SLEP.
GAO found that, as part of a strategy to improve the quality of its work and to prevent recurrence of similar problems, PNSY management is developing and implementing various plans to correct existing deficiencies. PNSY is also developing a system that will assess the effectiveness of its corrective actions and is developing analytical techniques and performance indicators, both of which will measure the quality of overall work performed. GAO believes that the Navy actions have been constructive and, when fully implemented, should improve the shipyard's operations.