Actions Taken by DOD on GAO Recommendations To Improve Spare Parts Requirements Determination
Gao ID: NSIAD-85-61 April 30, 1985In response to a congressional request, GAO examined selected aspects of the military services' requirements for peacetime and war reserve stocks of spare parts to provide information on: (1) the status of actions the services and the Department of Defense (DOD) have taken to improve the spare parts requirements determination process in response to prior GAO recommendations; and (2) the results of an inquiry as to whether the Army and Navy have problems similar to those previously reported in the Air Force, in ensuring that appropriate production leadtimes are used in computing spare parts requirements.
GAO found that the actions the military services and DOD have taken or plan to take to improve the spare parts requirements determination process are responsive to prior GAO report recommendations and should alleviate identified problems. Actions already taken have resulted in estimated savings of over $500 million. GAO also found that the Army and Navy do not have problems in ensuring that appropriate production leadtimes are used in computing spare parts requirements.