GAO's Study of Alternative Funding Mechanisms for Department of Defense Dependents' Schools
Gao ID: 126729 April 17, 1985Testimony was given on a GAO study of alternative mechanisms for funding the dependents' schools which are funded and operated by the Department of Defense (DOD) at military installations in the United States. In 1984, the cost per pupil of these schools approximated $2,794, while federal impact aid payments to compensate local school districts for educating military dependents averaged $1,073 per pupil. GAO reviewed four impact aid funding options which showed what the cost would be to transfer the operation of these dependents' schools to local school districts and the impact of these options on school district per pupil expenditures and DOD savings. GAO found that officials of the military installations were concerned about the effect a loss of control over the operation of the schools might have on the educational and extracurricular opportunities available to students, including: (1) disruptions in the education of military dependents because of conflicts between military training schedules and local school district terms; and (2) lack of military dependent participation in extracurricular events due to their short stays in any school district. Military officials would also want assurance that the military would retain control over the schools. Local school district officials were concerned about the financial effects of such a transfer. They would request full funding of additional costs to operate the schools and local school board control over the operation of the facilities. Finally, potential legal impediments may prevent certain school districts from operating school facilities located on military installations.