Department of Defense Reports for May 1985
- 126825 - Full-Time Manning in the Army's Reserve Components (1985-05-01)
- 127325 - "Spaces," "Faces," and "Bucks" (1985-05-01)
An Overview of the Role of Automated Information Systems in Managing the Enlisted Force - NSIAD-85-71 - The Navy Can Improve Material Management at Naval Shipyards (1985-05-06)
- NSIAD-85-81 - Improvements Needed in DOD Procedures To Prevent Reimbursement of Unallowable Costs on Government Contracts (1985-05-07)
- NSIAD-85-37 - GAO Assessment of DOD's Very High Speed Integrated Circuits (VHSIC) Technology Program (1985-05-08)
- NSIAD-85-72 - Improved Controls Needed Over Waivers of the Armed Services Exchange Regulations (1985-05-13)
- NSIAD-85-80 - The Military Services Sole-Source Procurement of C-12 Aircraft (1985-05-15)
- NSIAD-85-79 - Use of Special Presidential Authorities for Foreign Assistance (1985-05-20)
- 127009 - H.R. 2397 "Allowable Cost Reform Act" (1985-05-20)
- NSIAD-85-84 - Air Force Efforts To Avoid Inappropriate Disposal of Materials (1985-05-20)
- NSIAD-85-83 - Requirements for Munitions Lift Trailers To Support Strategic Bombers (1985-05-21)
- NSIAD-85-76 - Acquisition of Navy Land-Based Test Sites Can Be Better Managed (1985-05-21)
- 127008 - Munitions Lift Trailers for Strategic Bombers (1985-05-22)
- NSIAD-85-69 - Overview of the Status of the Defense Industrial Base and DOD's Industrial Preparedness Planning (1985-05-23)
- NSIAD-85-34 - Why Some Weapon Systems Encounter Production Problems While Others Do Not (1985-05-24)
Six Case Studies - HRD-85-23 - Implementing Outpatient Surgery Programs in Military Hospitals Can Reduce DOD's Health Care Costs (1985-05-24)
- HRD-85-38 - VA Can Reduce Excess Disability Payments by Improving Pay Data Exchange With the Military Services (1985-05-29)