Hazardous Waste
Selected Aspects of Cleanup Plan for Rocky Mountain Arsenal Gao ID: NSIAD-86-205BR August 29, 1986In response to a congressional request, GAO provided information on the cost and economic assumptions in the Army's June 1986 draft plan to accelerate the cleanup of an arsenal near Denver, Colorado.
GAO found that the Army: (1) provided well-documented cost and economic assumptions for the types of cleanup activities considered; (2) used the Office of Management and Budget's inflation rate to project total cleanup costs; (3) reasonably assumed that there will be sufficient labor for the scheduled cleanup activities; (4) has not identified the volume of contaminated material and the methods of treatment and disposal; and (5) has not adequately projected the cost of cleaning up the arsenal. GAO noted that: (1) the Army is studying options for cleaning up the site and a cost-effective alternative that meets cleanup goals and protects public health and the environment; and (2) current cost estimates for cleaning up the arsenal are preliminary.