Navy Printing
Information on Sales and Purchases Gao ID: NSIAD-87-51FS January 2, 1987Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO obtained information on: (1) the Navy Publications and Printing Service's (NPPS) sales to federal government customers other than the Department of Defense (DOD) and nonappropriated-fund customers; (2) the amount of printing NPPS procured commercially; and (3) the use of blanket purchase agreements (BPA).
GAO found that, for the period October through December 1985: (1) NPPS sales to non-DOD federal and nonappropriated fund customers totalled $198,000 and $158,000, respectively; (2) NPPS identified sales of about $313,000 to DOD customers that were erroneously recorded as non-DOD customers; (3) NPPS purchased printing services from commercial sources totalling about $3.7 million to sell to customers; (4) NPPS reported that BPA printing service purchases amounted to $1.0 million; however, the figure may be inaccurate because NPPS reported inconsistent BPA data; and (5) there were errors in the data provided on purchases of printing services, composition, duplication, and micrographics.