DOD Revolving Door
Post-DOD Employment May Raise Concerns Gao ID: NSIAD-87-116 April 16, 1987In response to a congressional request, GAO determined how often former Department of Defense (DOD) personnel work for defense contractors on the same projects they worked on for DOD.
GAO found that: (1) 19 percent, or 5,100, of the DOD personnel who left in fiscal years 1983 and 1984, worked for defense contractors; (2) 26 percent of the 5,100 former DOD employees had the same responsibilities at DOD as they did with the defense contractors; (3) 21 percent subsequently worked on the same system, project, or program; (4) 7 percent were responsible for DOD contracts that later supported their post-DOD employment; and (5) 32 percent were in one or more of these positions and may not have acted in the government's best interest.