Navy Manpower
Squadron Manpower Program Needs Improvement Gao ID: NSIAD-87-101 May 19, 1987Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO evaluated the Navy Squadron Manpower Document (SQMD) program to determine whether the Navy based its manpower requirements on sound and rigorous processes.
GAO found that the Navy: (1) has not established staffing standards on work loads for all ground officers and about 20 percent of ground enlisted personnel; (2) did not document the initial standards development for ground enlisted personnel, or require that revised standards be based on efficiency reviews; (3) does not independently verify, consistently calculate, or completely document work loads; (4) uses allowances for nonproductive time that are not based on supportable evidence; and (5) has neither updated nor adequately supported the work-week standard it uses to determine SQMD requirements. GAO noted that limited program support affects the SQMD program in the form of insufficient travel funds, key position vacancies, high staff turnover, and inexperienced program personnel.
RecommendationsOur recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Open," "Closed - implemented," or "Closed - not implemented" based on our follow up work.
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