Army Maintenance
Actions To Reduce the Likelihood of Helicopter Gear Failures Gao ID: NSIAD-87-160 June 18, 1987In response to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Army's actions to address problems with the helical torquemeter gear installed in OH-6A and OH-58A helicopters.
GAO found that, in 1986, the Army awarded contracts to the engine manufacturer to: (1) redesign the gear to reduce metal fatigue; (2) provide new gears of the current design to replace the used gears in the engines and in stock; and (3) perform destructive test comparisons between new and used gears of the current design. GAO also found that, although the Army's plan to address the problem was essentially the same as the one it and the manufacturer proposed in 1980, it did not approve funding until the gear failure was designated a safety-of-flight issue in 1986.