DOD Internal Review
Extent of Operations, Types of Work Performed, and Benefits Derived Gao ID: AFMD-89-49FS April 5, 1989In response to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the activities of internal review staffs in the Department of Defense (DOD), focusing on the: (1) extent of internal review operations; (2) type of work performed; and (3) benefits of the reviews.
GAO found that: (1) DOD established internal review officers in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Defense Logistics Agency, and National Guard Bureau; (2) the Air Force did not have internal review offices; (3) the 800 internal review groups operating in DOD reported to local commanders, rather than to a central authority; (4) the groups had about 2,800 staff members; (5) although the reviewers generally had audit skills, they also had skills in such areas as management analysis and various military disciplines; (6) the cost of DOD internal review activities in 1988 totalled $92 million; (7) although the reviews varied, the work generally included audits, follow-ups on hot-line complaints and audit recommendations, and liaison work with other auditors; and (8) internal review activities resulted in about $321 million in potential monetary benefits in 1988, and other nonquantifiable benefits, such as improved internal controls and resolution of hot-line complaints.