NATO-Warsaw Pact
Issues Related to Implementation of a Conventional Forces Treaty Gao ID: NSIAD-90-130 April 16, 1990GAO assessed the proposed treaty between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Warsaw Pact, aimed at reducing conventional forces and equipment in Europe, focusing on potential costs and savings resulting from treaty implementation.
GAO found that: (1) in terms of defense savings, the proposed treaty would only result in a limited NATO peace dividend; (2) the treaty would only require the United States and the Soviet Union to reduce troops; (3) Department of Defense efforts to reduce the total number of its forces, rather than simply relocate personnel removed from Europe, would result in U.S. savings; (4) NATO allies would incur certain compliance verification and monitoring costs in implementing a conventional armed forces treaty; (5) NATO would incur additional costs in complying with treaty provisions requiring the destruction of numerous conventional weapons; and (6) the United States and its NATO allies discussed alternatives to ensure an equitable distribution of the costs and benefits of implementing a conventional forces treaty.