Test and Evaluation
Improvements Are Being Made in the Department of Defense's Test Planning Gao ID: NSIAD-90-303 September 28, 1990Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO analyzed the Department of Defense's (DOD) test planning processes, focusing on the Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) process for weapons systems acquisitions.
GAO found that: (1) the military services instituted similar TEMP and test processes in accordance with DOD guidance; (2) DOD adequately identified the key weaknesses and strengths of TEMP and test planning processes; (3) a major concern was a lack of TEMP timeliness throughout DOD; (4) other TEMP weaknesses identified by DOD included insufficient resources planned for tests, inadequate threat realism, and poorly written critical operational issues; (5) a key strength of the TEMP process was the formality and discipline of this involvement, which was accepted as valid and useful throughout DOD; and (6) DOD took action to address identified weaknesses and improve TEMP and related test planning.