Electronic Warfare
No Air Force Follow-Up on Test Equipment Inadequacies Gao ID: NSIAD-91-207 July 17, 1991Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO followed up on its previous report on the adequacy of Air Force electronic warfare system test equipment to determine whether the Air Force took effective corrective actions to resolve identified problems.
GAO found that: (1) the Department of Defense (DOD) took no corrective action in response to the report; (2) DOD disagreed with the GAO assessment that significant problems involving inadequate and unreliable electronic warfare test equipment impaired the combat readiness of Air Force tactical units and increased costs; (3) DOD stated that faults identified in preventive maintenance inspections probably did not detract from mission effectiveness for specific scenarios previously tested on the aircraft; (4) the Air Force's capability to identify and repair system malfunctions within time frames required to sustain combat operations is at risk; and (5) DOD maintains that the report was inaccurate and believes that combat capability has been enhanced due to increased reliability and maintainability of the electronic warfare systems and test equipment over time.