Defense Contracting

Improvements Needed in Procurement Technical Assistance Program Gao ID: NSIAD-91-243 September 20, 1991

Since 1984 the Defense Logistics Agency has provided $49 million to help finance 90 procurement technical assistance centers sponsored by state and local governments, private nonprofit organizations, and tribal organizations that help businesses obtain DOD contracts. GAO found that the type of services provided by the centers varies according to the needs of the clients and the capacities of the centers. A lack of data makes it difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of the technical assistance program in attracting new defense business for its clients.

GAO found that: (1) DOD designed each PTA center to help local businesses; (2) most of the centers provided major services including marketing, pre-award survey assistance, contract administration, and special assistance; (3) since the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) did not require all PTA centers to perform the same services, the types of services provided varied according to client needs and the centers' capabilities; (4) although established centers offered more services than new centers, an independent survey indicated that established centers could expand their services consistent with the communities' needs by persuading prime contractors to create additional subcontract opportunities, expanding their government contract searches, and providing increased assistance to specialized clients; (5) PTA centers duplicated such services as providing general procurement technical assistance for businesses seeking government contracts; (6) it was difficult to determine whether duplication of services was minimal or extensive, since the 90 centers performed a variety of services; and (7) GAO could not determine whether PTA centers effectively provided assistance to prospective DOD contractors, since DLA lacked accurate performance data, client-provided data on center assistance, and sufficient PTA center reviewer training.


Our recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Open," "Closed - implemented," or "Closed - not implemented" based on our follow up work.

Director: Team: Phone:

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