Unsupported Adjustments
Gao ID: AFMD-93-28R December 23, 1992GAO reviewed the Army's financial management operations and fiscal year 1991 financial statements, focusing on the legal implications of unsupported year-end adjustments by the U.S. Army's Aviation and Troop Command. GAO noted that the Aviation Command: (1) made unsupported adjustments to its disbursement records which eliminated negative balances in seven fund subdivisions and concealed recorded excess disbursements totalling $25.4 million; (2) violated Army regulations and federal law by failing to file reports and take proper corrective action; (3) maintained that the excess disbursements were a result of mere bookkeeping errors and federal law or Army regulations were not applicable; and (4) should have reported recorded disbursement obligations and placed excess disbursement transactions into a suspense account for later investigation.