Department of the Interior
Transfer of the Presidio From the Army to the National Park Service Gao ID: T-RCED-94-64 October 26, 1993The proposed uses of the Presidio Army Post under the Park Service's preferred alternative are generally consistent with the goal of creating a Golden Gate National Recreation Area. The extent to which the costs to rehabilitate the Presidio's buildings and run the Presidio will be offset by tenant payments and philanthropic donations, however, is unknown. Thus, the level of future annual appropriations needed to manage the Presidio cannot be estimated with any certainty at this time. Given the costs and the potential impact of the Presidio's rehabilitation on the Park Service's deferred maintenance and reconstruction backlog, close oversight by the Department of the Interior and Congress is warranted. In addition, once an alternative for managing the Presidio is decided upon, the Park Service needs to establish a plan that will (1) prioritize the objectives, (2) identify their associated costs and funding sources, and (3) estimate their completion dates.