Department of Defense Reports for April 1993
- NSIAD-93-134 - Apache Helicopter (1993-04-01)
Tests Results for 30-Millimeter Weapon System Inconclusive - AFMD-93-7 - Financial Management (1993-04-02)
Agencies' Actions to Eliminate 'M' Accounts and Merged Surplus Authority - RCED-93-26 - Wetlands Protection (1993-04-06)
The Scope of the Section 404 Program Remains Uncertain - NSIAD-93-140 - Navy Contracting (1993-04-07)
Military Sealift Command's Control Over Time-Chartered Ships - OSI-93-6BR - DOD Hotline Referrals (1993-04-09)
- NSIAD-93-64 - Test and Evaluation (1993-04-12)
Little Progress in Consolidating DOD Major Test Range Capabilities - NSIAD-93-119 - Army Inventory (1993-04-14)
Current Operating and War Reserve Requirements Can Be Reduced - NSIAD-93-173 - Military Bases (1993-04-15)
Analysis of DOD's Recommendations and Selection Process for Closures and Realignments - T-NSIAD-93-11 - Military Bases (1993-04-19)
Analysis of DOD's Recommendations and Selection Process for Closures and Realignments - T-NSIAD-93-1 - Army Force Structure (1993-04-20)
Attention Needed to Ensure an Ample Supply of Ready Support Forces - NSIAD-93-103 - DOD's Mobility Requirements (1993-04-22)
Alternative Assumptions Could Affect Recommended Acquisition Plan - NSIAD-93-129 - Acquisition Management (1993-04-26)
Implementation of the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act - NSIAD-93-177R - Consolidated Interservice Training (1993-04-26)
- NSIAD-93-143FS - Operation Desert Storm (1993-04-26)
DOD's Funding Actions Relating to Leftover Inventories - GGD-93-29R - TQM Implementation in the Navy (1993-04-26)
- T-NSIAD-93-3 - U.S. Military Presence in Europe (1993-04-27)
Issues Related to the Drawdown - AFMD-93-61R - DOD's FMFIA Assertions (1993-04-27)
- IMTEC-93-26R - Defense (1993-04-28)
Telecommunications Management - NSIAD-93-117 - Tactical Intelligence (1993-04-28)
Joint STARS Needs Current Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis - NSIAD-93-150 - Military Bases (1993-04-29)
Army's Planned Consolidation of Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation - NSIAD-93-95 - Army Maintenance (1993-04-29)
Strategy Needed to Integrate Military and Civilian Personnel Into Wartime Plans - NSIAD-93-116 - U.S. Corps of Engineers (1993-04-29)
Better Management Needed for Mobilization Support - NSIAD-93-54 - Naval Academy (1993-04-30)
Gender and Racial Disparities - GGD-93-74FS - Political Appointees (1993-04-30)
10 Year Staffing Trends at 30 Federal Agencies