Base Closure Accounts Review
Gao ID: NSIAD-94-216R June 22, 1994Pursuant to a legislative requirement, GAO reviewed the appropriations that have been obligated for both the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) and Homeowners Assistance Program accounts. GAO noted that: (1) as of March 31, 1994, the Department of Defense (DOD) reported it had obligated about $3.6 billion of the $6.7 billion it had been appropriated through fiscal year (FY) 1994 for BRAC I, BRAC II, and BRAC III; (2) the Homeowners Assistance Program expects to have an unobligated balance of about $210.7 million by the end of FY 1994; and (3) DOD is not requesting an appropriation for the Homeowners Assistance Program in FY 1995.