DOD Procurement

Use and Administration of DOD's Voluntary Disclosure Program Gao ID: NSIAD-96-21 February 6, 1996

Forty-eight of the top 100 military contractors have disclosed procurement fraud as part of a Defense Department (DOD) program encouraging voluntary reporting of such incidents. But the total number of disclosures has been small and the dollar amounts recovered have been modest--less than $100,000 in 63 percent of the cases. Moreover, under DOD's Voluntary Disclosure Program, cases took an average of 2.8 years to close, with about 25 percent taking more than four years. Less-than-full cooperation from contractors and low priority given by DOD and other investigative agencies to managing cases expeditiously may be problems in some cases.

GAO found that: (1) although 48 of the top 100 defense contractors have made voluntary disclosures, the total number of disclosures under the program has been relatively small and dollar recoveries have been modest; (2) from its inception in 1986 through September 1994, DOD reported that, of the thousands of defense contractors, 138 contractors made 325 voluntary disclosures of potential procurement fraud; (3) DOD reported recoveries from these disclosures to be $290 million, about 17 percent of total reported DOD procurement fraud recoveries between fiscal years (FY) 1987 and 1994; (4) GAO's review indicated that DOD's reported recoveries of $290 million were overstated because they included $75 million in premature progress payments and amounts from disclosures made prior to the program; (5) further, DOD accepted some disclosures into the program that the Justice Department believed were triggered by imminent government discovery and thus did not meet the criteria for admission; (6) voluntary disclosure cases took an average of 2.8 years to close, with about 25 percent taking over 4 years; (7) open cases are taking longer; (8) as of September 1994, DOD data showed that open cases averaged 3.5 years, with over half of the cases disclosed in FY 1990 still open; (9) less than full contractor cooperation with the government and low priority given by DOD and other investigative agencies to managing cases expeditiously may be problems in some cases; (10) most disclosures did not result in significant dollar recoveries for the government; (11) of 129 closed cases, 81 cases, or about 63 percent, had reported recoveries of less than $100,000, of which 52 cases, or 40 percent, had no dollar recoveries; (12) forty-eight cases had reported recoveries of $100,000 or more, of which 15 cases had reported recoveries of $2 million or more; (13) there is little overlap between voluntary disclosures and qui tam actions; and (14) of the 129 voluntary disclosure cases closed since the program began, 4 involved qui tam actions.

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