Embedded Computers
B-1B Computers Must Be Upgraded to Support Conventional Requirements Gao ID: AIMD-96-28 February 27, 1996The Air Force plans to upgrade the computer and software systems aboard the B-1B bomber, which the Pentagon envisions as the "backbone" of its new bomber fleet. The goal is to transform the B-1B from a nuclear weapons carrier to a conventional weapons carrier. The 1970s vintage computer systems found on the B-1B are operating at near capacity and, without upgrades, cannot support additional weapons and capabilities, such as cluster bombs, a global positioning system for better navigation and guidance, and more-accurate and higher-range weapons. This report discusses recent decisions by the Air Force to upgrade the B-1B's embedded computer systems, particularly in view of concerns GAO raised about the simple memory upgrade.
GAO found that: (1) because of limited resources, the Air Force originally planned a simple memory upgrade, but that upgrade would not support the addition of new conventional weapons system capabilities or reduce the maintenance costs of the outdated computers and software; (2) the memory upgrade would not increase the existing computers' processing speed, making the computers incapable of performing critical functions or meeting system requirements; (3) the Air Force has increased funding so it can replace the existing computers with more sophisticated software; (4) the Air Force expects to award a contract for the computer upgrade design in April 1996 and complete work by January 1997; (5) the Air Force could save over $800 million in software maintenance and support costs over the 20-year life of the upgraded aircraft; and (6) it is critical that the Air Force ensure that the upgraded computers will support the planned conventional weapons and capability requirements for the B-1B bomber.
RecommendationsOur recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Open," "Closed - implemented," or "Closed - not implemented" based on our follow up work.
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