DOD Animal Research
Improvements Needed in Quality of Biomedical Research Database Gao ID: NSIAD/HEHS-99-24 December 14, 1998Members of Congress raised concerns in 1992 about the lack of disclosure about the military's use of animals in research. In response, the Defense Department (DOD) began submitting annual reports to Congress in 1994. The following year, DOD established the Biomedical Research Database, which contains information on research projects and training programs involving animals being conducted by its laboratories, military hospitals and bases, and contractors. GAO found that the database has improved public access to information about DOD's use of animals in its research activities. However, GAO also found instances in which the information in the database was inaccurate, incomplete, and inconsistent. Although GAO did not identify the full extent of these problems, the problems GAO identified suggest that DOD needs to improve the accuracy and extent of the information in the database.
GAO noted that: (1) the BRD provides improved public access to information about DOD's use of animals in its research activities; (2) GAO found instances in which the information in the BRD was inaccurate, incomplete, and inconsistent, resulting in inadequate public disclosure; (3) specifically, the fiscal year 1996 BRD: (a) misstated the number of animal use projects because it omitted some projects that used animals and included others that did not involve animals; (b) did not include information, such as the numbers and types of animals used, that was identified in House Report 103-499; and (c) contained significant differences in specificity reported for the research projects; and (4) although GAO did not quantify the full extent of these problems, the problems it has identified suggest a need for DOD action to improve the accuracy and extent of the information in the database.
RecommendationsOur recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Open," "Closed - implemented," or "Closed - not implemented" based on our follow up work.
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