National Security Analysis Issue Area Plan
Fiscal Years 1998-2000 Gao ID: IAP-98-1 April 1, 1998GAO provided information on its National Security Analysis issue area plan for fiscal years 1998 through 2000, focusing on major DOD initiatives on: (1) strategy implementation; (2) combating terrorism; (3) force structure; (4) budget analysis; and (5) intelligence.
GAO plans to examine the: (1) extent to which the Department of Defense's (DOD) initiatives for implementing the national military strategy result in the efficient and effective allocation of resources; (2) extent to which the crosscutting national policy and strategy to combat terrorism is being efficiently and effectively implemented; (3) efficiency and effectiveness of DOD's existing and planned force structure; (4) extent to which planned defense budgets accurately reflect the projected costs of DOD programs; and (5) extent to which the intelligence community is adequately addressing the changed threat and new requirements.