Department of Defense Reports for July 1999
- T-NSIAD-99-215 - Military Base Closures (1999-07-01)
Observations on Legislative Proposal for No-Cost Transfer of Surplus Property - T-HEHS/GGD-99-159 - Medicare Subvention (1999-07-01)
Challenges and Opportunities Facing a Possible VA Demonstration - NSIAD-99-84 - Defense Inventory (1999-07-01)
Property Being Shipped to Disposal Is Not Properly Controlled - NSIAD-99-140 - Army Logistics (1999-07-01)
Status of Proposed Support Plan for Apache Helicopter - NSIAD-99-165 - Defense Budget (1999-07-08)
Observations on the Air Force Flying Hour Program - NSIAD/HEHS-99-156 - DOD Animal Research (1999-07-08)
Controls on Animal Use Are Generally Effective, but Improvements Are Needed - NSIAD-99-147 - Air Force Logistics (1999-07-08)
C-17 Support Plan Does Not Adequately Address Key Issues - NSIAD-99-143 - Defense Infrastructure (1999-07-12)
Observations on Aviation Training Consolidation and Expansion Plans - NSIAD-99-85 - Defense Acquisitions (1999-07-12)
Evaluation of Navy's Anti-Submarine Warfare Assessment - T-RCED-99-255 - Department of Energy (1999-07-13)
Need to Address Longstanding Management Weaknesses - NSIAD-99-154 - Depot Maintenance (1999-07-13)
Workload Allocation Reporting Improved, but Lingering Problems Remain - NSIAD-99-219R - Gulf War Illnesses (1999-07-13)
Evaluation of DOD's Investigative Processes - NSIAD-99-131 - DOD Contract Management (1999-07-19)
Greater Attention Needed to Identify and Recover Overpayments - GGD-99-94 - National Archives (1999-07-19)
Preserving Electronic Records in an Era of Rapidly Changing Technology - NSIAD-99-178R - Observations on the Department of Defense's Fiscal Year 2000 Performance Plan (1999-07-20)
- T-NSIAD-99-226 - Medical Readiness (1999-07-21)
Issues Concerning the Anthrax Vaccine - GGD-99-108 - Drug Control (1999-07-21)
DEA's Strategies and Operations in the 1990s - NSIAD-99-152 - DOD Competitive Sourcing (1999-07-21)
Lessons Learned System Could Enhance A-76 Study Process - NSIAD-99-105 - Defense Acquisitions (1999-07-22)
Reduced Threat Not Reflected in Antiarmor Weapon Acquisitions - NSIAD-99-173 - Military Training (1999-07-23)
Management and Oversight of Joint Combined Exchange Training - NSIAD-99-149 - Military Base Closures (1999-07-23)
Potential to Offset Fiscal Year 2000 Budget Request - NSIAD-99-150 - Battlefield Automation (1999-07-27)
Performance Uncertainties Are Likely When Army Fields Its First Digitized Division - OGC-99-55 - Department of Defense, General Services Administration, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1999-07-29)
Federal Acquisition Regulation--Reform of Affirmative Action in Federal Procurement - NSIAD-99-232R - Chemical Demilitarization (1999-07-29)
Funding Status of the Chemical Demilitarization Program - HEHS-99-142 - Defense Health Care (1999-07-30)
Improvements Needed to Reduce Vulnerability to Fraud and Abuse - NSIAD-99-162 - Best Practices (1999-07-30)
Better Management of Technology Development Can Improve Weapon System Outcomes