Department of Defense Reports for August 2000
- OCG-00-12 - Determining Performance and Accountability Challenges and High Risks (Exposure Draft) (2000-08-01)
- NSIAD-00-209 - Presidential Travel (2000-08-04)
DOD Airlift Cost for White House Foreign Travel - RCED-00-240R - NASA's Administrative Review of a Patent Infringement Claim (2000-08-08)
- NSIAD-00-106 - DOD Competitive Sourcing (2000-08-08)
Some Progress, but Continuing Challenges Remain in Meeting Program Goals - NSIAD-00-107 - DOD Competitive Sourcing (2000-08-08)
Savings Are Occurring, but Actions Are Needed to Improve Accuracy of Savings Estimates - NSIAD-00-198 - DOD Competitive Sourcing (2000-08-11)
More Consistency Needed in Identifying Commercial Activities - NSIAD-00-201 - Force Structure (2000-08-15)
Air Force Expeditionary Concept Offers Benefits but Effects Should Be Assessed - NSIAD-00-178 - Defense Acquisitions (2000-08-15)
Recent F-22 Production Cost Estimates Exceeded Congressional Limitation - AIMD/NSIAD-00-185 - Air Force Depot Maintenance (2000-08-15)
Budgeting Difficulties and Operational Inefficiencies - NSIAD-00-215 - DOD Personnel (2000-08-18)
More Actions Needed to Address Backlog of Security Clearance Reinvestigations - NSIAD-00-240R - Department of Defense (2000-08-21)
Military Assistance During the Branch Davidian Incident - NSIAD-00-194 - Defense Inventory (2000-08-23)
Actions Needed to Evaluate Supply Purchase Options for Facilities Maintenance - NSIAD-00-208 - Foreign Military Sales (2000-08-24)
Changes Needed to Correct Weaknesses in End-Use Monitoring Program - NSIAD-00-193 - Depot Maintenance (2000-08-24)
Action Needed to Avoid Exceeding Ceiling on Contract Workloads - OSI/NSIAD-00-243R - Defense Inventory (2000-08-24)
Status of Navy Initiatives to Improve Its In-Transit Inventory Process - NSIAD-00-212R - Defense Acquisitions (2000-08-25)
Status of Strategic C4 System Modernization and Plans to Integrate Additional Mission Capabilities - NSIAD-00-165 - Defense Acquisitions (2000-08-29)
Air Force Operating and Support Cost Reductions Need Higher Priority - HEHS-00-172 - Defense Health Care (2000-08-31)
Resources, Patient Access, and Challenges in Europe and the Pacific - NSIAD-00-191 - Defense Trade (2000-08-31)
Analysis of Support for Recent Initiatives