Department of Defense Reports for April 2001
- GAO-01-585T - Financial Management (2001-04-03)
Internal Control Weaknesses Leave Department of Education Vulnerable to Improper Payments - GAO-01-18 - Defense Logistics (2001-04-05)
Unfinished Actions Limit Reliability of the Munition Requirements Determination Process - GAO-01-437 - Defense Infrastructure (2001-04-06)
Military Services Lack Reliable Data on Historic Properties - GAO-01-603R - Status Update of the New 155mm Lightweight Howitzer (2001-04-10)
- GAO-01-510 - Best Practices (2001-04-10)
DOD Teaming Practices Not Achieving Potential Results - GAO-01-479 - Environmental Liabilities (2001-04-11)
DOD Training Range Cleanup Cost Estimates Are Likely Understated - GAO-01-436 - Army Training (2001-04-11)
Improvements Are Needed in 5-Ton Truck Driver Training and Supervision - GAO-01-372 - Defense Inventory (2001-04-12)
Steps the Army Can Take to Improve the Management and Oversight of Excess Ammunition - GAO-01-508 - DOD Personnel (2001-04-16)
Improvements Made to Housing Allowance Rate-Setting Process - GAO-01-239 - Land Mine Detection (2001-04-17)
DOD's Research Program Needs a Comprehensive Evaluation Strategy - GAO-01-465 - DOD Personnel (2001-04-18)
More Consistency Needed in Determining Eligibility for Top Secret Security Clearances - GAO-01-517 - Contract Management (2001-04-20)
Benefits of Simplified Acquisition Test Procedures Not Clearly Demonstrated - GAO-01-13 - Coalition Warfare (2001-04-24)
Gulf War Allies Differed in Chemical and Biological Threats Identified and in Use of Defensive Measures - GAO-01-473 - Defense Infrastructure (2001-04-26)
Commissary Reorganization Should Produce Savings but Opportunities May Exist for More - GAO-01-622 - DOD Disability (2001-04-27)
Overview of Compensation Program for Service Members Unfit for Duty - GAO-01-459 - Computer-Based Patient Records (2001-04-30)
Better Planning and Oversight By VA, DOD, and IHS Would Enhance Health Data Sharing - GAO-01-448 - Electronic Warfare (2001-04-30)
The Army Can Reduce Its Risks in Developing New Radar Countermeasures System - GAO-01-513 - Defense Health Care (2001-04-30)
Continued Management Focus Key to Settling TRICARE Change Orders Quickly