Department of Defense Reports for December 2003
- GAO-04-215R - Smallpox Vaccination (2003-12-01)
Review of the Implementation of the Military Program - GAO-04-156 - Purchase Cards (2003-12-02)
Steps Taken to Improve DOD Program Management, but Actions Needed to Address Misuse - GAO-04-258 - Military Personnel (2003-12-02)
Information on Selected National Guard Management Issues - GAO-04-71R - Space Acquisitions (2003-12-04)
Committing Prematurely to the Transformational Satellite Program Elevates Risks for Poor Cost, Schedule, and Performance Outcomes - GAO-04-56 - Defense Management (2003-12-05)
DOD Needs to Strengthen Internal Controls over Funds Used to Support USO Activities - GAO-04-206 - Satellite Communications (2003-12-10)
Strategic Approach Needed for DOD's Procurement of Commercial Satellite Bandwidth - GAO-04-188 - Military Transformation (2003-12-12)
The Army and OSD Met Legislative Requirements for First Stryker Brigade Design Evaluation, but Issues Remain for Future Brigades - GAO-04-305R - Defense Logistics (2003-12-18)
Preliminary Observations on the Effectiveness of Logistics Activities During Operation Iraqi Freedom - GAO-04-115 - Information Technology (2003-12-19)
Improvements Needed in the Reliability of Defense Budget Submissions - GAO-04-147 - Military Munitions (2003-12-19)
DOD Needs to Develop a Comprehensive Approach for Cleaning Up Contaminated Sites - GAO-04-112 - Military Readiness (2003-12-19)
DOD Needs to Reassess Program Strategy, Funding Priorities, and Risks for Selected Equipment