Department of Defense Reports for February 2003
- GAO-03-214 - Defense Management (2003-02-10)
Army Needs to Address Resource and Mission Requirements Affecting Its Training and Doctrine Command - GAO-03-57 - Best Practices (2003-02-11)
Setting Requirements Differently Could Reduce Weapon Systems' Total Ownership Costs - GAO-03-274 - Defense Infrastructure (2003-02-19)
Changes in Funding Priorities and Strategic Planning Needed to Improve the Condition of Military Facilities - GAO-03-412R - Retiree Health Benefits at Selected Government Contractors (2003-02-27)
- GAO-03-440 - Contract Management (2003-02-28)
DLA Properly Implemented Best Value Contracting for Clothing and Textiles and Views the Supplier Base as Uncertain - GAO-03-458 - DOD Business Systems Modernization (2003-02-28)
Improvements to Enterprise Architecture Development and Implementation Efforts Needed - GAO-03-393 - Military Transformation (2003-02-28)
Progress and Challenges for DOD's Advanced Distributed Learning Programs - GAO-03-280 - Tactical Aircraft (2003-02-28)
DOD Needs to Better Inform Congress about Implications of Continuing F/A-22 Cost Growth