Department of Defense Reports for August 2007
- GAO-07-1029R - DOD is Making Progress in Adopting Best Practices for the Transformational Satellite Communications System and Space Radar but Still Faces Challenges (2007-08-02)
- GAO-07-936 - Military Training (2007-08-06)
Actions Needed to More Fully Develop the Army's Strategy for Training Modular Brigades and Address Implementation Challenges - GAO-07-866 - Defense Acquisitions (2007-08-23)
Navy Faces Challenges Constructing the Aircraft Carrier Gerald R. Ford within Budget - GAO-07-1077 - Defense Infrastructure (2007-08-31)
Management Actions Needed to Ensure Effectiveness of DOD's Risk Management Approach for the Defense Industrial Base - GAO-07-528 - Information Security (2007-08-31)
Selected Departments Need to Address Challenges in Implementing Statutory Requirements - GAO-07-1148R - Military Personnel (2007-08-31)
DOD's Predatory Lending Report Addressed Mandated Issues, but Support Is Limited for Some Findings and Recommendations