Department of Defense Reports for October 2008
- GAO-09-19 - Contingency Contracting (2008-10-01)
DOD, State, and USAID Contracts and Contractor Personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan - GAO-09-71 - Plan Colombia (2008-10-06)
Drug Reduction Goals Were Not Fully Met, but Security Has Improved; U.S. Agencies Need More Detailed Plans for Reducing Assistance - GAO-09-5 - Department of Defense (2008-10-07)
A Departmentwide Framework to Identify and Report Gaps in the Defense Supplier Base Is Needed - GAO-09-15 - Federal Research (2008-10-08)
Opportunities Exist to Improve the Management and Oversight of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers - GAO-09-49 - Defense Management (2008-10-15)
DOD Can Establish More Guidance for Biometrics Collection and Explore Broader Data Sharing - GAO-09-11R - Multiple Agencies Provide Assistance to Service-disabled Veterans or Entrepreneurs, but Specific Needs Are Difficult to Identify and Coordination Is Weak (2008-10-15)
- GAO-09-160CG - Transforming DOD Business Operations (2008-10-27)
- GAO-09-42 - Defense Critical Infrastructure (2008-10-30)
Developing Training Standards and an Awareness of Existing Expertise Would Help DOD Assure the Availability of Critical Infrastructure - GAO-09-31 - Defense Health Care (2008-10-31)
Additional Efforts Needed to Ensure Compliance with Personality Disorder Separation Requirements