Status of GAO Recommendations to the Department of Defense (Fiscal Years 2001-2008)

Gao ID: GAO-10-211R December 16, 2009

Section 502 of the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2010 required us to report to the appropriate congressional committees by December 31, 2009, regarding the Department of Defense's (DOD) progress in implementing GAO's audit recommendations. From fiscal years 2001 through 2008, we issued 743 reports to DOD or its components that included 3,099 recommendations. By law, agencies, including DOD, are required to submit written statements to Congress explaining actions taken in response to recommendations we have made. We follow up on the implementation status of each recommendation at least annually after report issuance to determine whether DOD has instituted sufficient corrective actions. This report, which responds to this mandate, contains the results of our analysis on the implementation status of the 3,099 recommendations.

GAO-10-211R, Status of GAO Recommendations to the Department of Defense (Fiscal Years 2001-2008) This is the accessible text file for GAO report number GAO-10-211R entitled 'Status of GAO Recommendations to the Department of Defense (Fiscal Years 2001-2008)' which was released on December 16, 2009. This text file was formatted by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to be accessible to users with visual impairments, as part of a longer term project to improve GAO products' accessibility. Every attempt has been made to maintain the structural and data integrity of the original printed product. Accessibility features, such as text descriptions of tables, consecutively numbered footnotes placed at the end of the file, and the text of agency comment letters, are provided but may not exactly duplicate the presentation or format of the printed version. The portable document format (PDF) file is an exact electronic replica of the printed version. We welcome your feedback. Please E-mail your comments regarding the contents or accessibility features of this document to This is a work of the U.S. government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. It may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety without further permission from GAO. Because this work may contain copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately. GAO-10-211R: United States Government Accountability Office: Washington, DC 20548: December 16, 2009: Congressional Committees: Subject: Status of GAO Recommendations to the Department of Defense (Fiscal Years 2001-2008): Section 502 of the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2010[Footnote 1] required us to report to the appropriate congressional committees by December 31, 2009, regarding the Department of Defense‘s (DOD) progress in implementing GAO‘s audit recommendations. From fiscal years 2001 through 2008, we issued 743 reports to DOD or its components that included 3,099 recommendations.[Footnote 2] By law, agencies, including DOD, are required to submit written statements to Congress explaining actions taken in response to recommendations we have made. [Footnote 3] We follow up on the implementation status of each recommendation at least annually after report issuance to determine whether DOD has instituted sufficient corrective actions. This report, which responds to this mandate, contains the results of our analysis on the implementation status of the 3,099 recommendations. Scope and Methodology: To conduct our work, we analyzed information on the implementation status of recommendations made to DOD from our reports issued during fiscal years 2001 through 2008 at the request of the committee offices. The implementation status for each recommendation falls into one of three categories: recommendations that remain open, recommendations that are closed and implemented, and recommendations that are closed but not implemented. The results reflect information from our Engagement Results database as of September 30, 2009. As noted in our Performance and Accountability Report for Fiscal Year 2009,[Footnote 4] our performance reporting is reliable”transactions and other data that support reported performance measures are properly recorded, processed, and summarized to permit the preparation of performance information consistent with the criteria set forth in the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993[Footnote 5] and related Office of Management and Budget guidance. We conducted our work from September to December 2009 in accordance with all sections of GAO‘s Quality Assurance Framework that are relevant to our objectives. The framework requires that we plan and perform the engagement to obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence to meet our stated objectives and to discuss any limitations in our work. We believe that the information and data obtained, and the analysis conducted, provide a reasonable basis for any findings and conclusions in this product. Background: For GAO products that contain recommendations, we update the status of these recommendations at least annually after report issuance and usually by the end of the fiscal year. To accomplish this, our staff may interview agency officials, obtain agency documents, access agency databases, or obtain information from an agency's inspector general. Recommendations that are reported as implemented are reviewed by a senior executive and our Office of Quality and Continuous Improvement. It is important for us to keep this recommendation information updated since Congress, federal agencies, and the public have online access to our report, Status of Open Recommendations, which is based on information from our Recommendations Follow-Up application.[Footnote 6] Congress uses the information to prepare for hearings and budget deliberations, and agencies use it to track the status of recommendations targeted to their agency. This database can be searched by congressional requester, by subject matter, or in various other ways such as target agency or product title. We also use this information to measure the implementation rate of our recommendations. There are three options for recording the implementation status of a recommendation: open, closed-implemented, and closed–not implemented. A recommendation will stay open when action has not been taken but may be taken in the future, action is in the planning stage, or action has been taken on only part of the recommendation. A recommendation will be listed as closed-implemented when the action is fully implemented or action has been taken that essentially meets the recommendation‘s intent (i.e., the action meets the spirit”rather than the letter”of the recommendation) or all parts of the recommendation have been implemented. A recommendation will be listed as closed–not implemented when either DOD has indicated that it has no intention of implementing the recommendation or circumstances have changed and the recommendation is no longer valid. GAO Recommendations to DOD and Their Implementation Status: During fiscal years 2001 through 2008, we issued 743 reports to DOD that included a total of 3,099 recommendations. As of September 30, 2009, 841 or 27 percent of these recommendations are reported as open, 1,878 or 61 percent are closed-implemented, and 380 or 12 percent are closed–not implemented. Consistent with past experience that shows it takes agencies some time to implement recommendations, we found most recommendations from fiscal year 2001 have been implemented while most recommendations from fiscal year 2008 remain open. For example, of the 292 recommendations made to DOD in fiscal year 2001, 234 recommendations or 80 percent have been implemented while 12, or 4 percent, remain open. The remaining 46 recommendations or 16 percent are closed but not implemented. Conversely, for the 381 recommendations we made to DOD in fiscal year 2008, 18 recommendations or 5 percent have been implemented while 352 recommendations or 92 percent are open. The remaining 11 recommendation or 3 percent are closed but not implemented. Enclosure I lists each report issued from fiscal year 2001 through fiscal year 2008 that included recommendations for DOD or its components and the implementation status of those recommendations. Table 1 summarizes the number of the recommendations made to DOD in fiscal year 2001 through fiscal year 2008 and their implementation status by number and percentage. Table 1: Status of GAO Recommendations to DOD by Number and Percentage Open, Closed-Implemented, and Closed–Not Implemented, Fiscal Year 2001 through Fiscal Year 2008: Fiscal year: 2001; Number of GAO recommendations: 292; Recommendations open, Number: 12; Recommendations open, Percentage: 4%; Recommendations closed-implemented, Number: 234; Recommendations closed-implemented, Percentage: 80%; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Number: 46; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Percentage: 16%. Fiscal year: 2002; Number of GAO recommendations: 384; Recommendations open, Number: 12; Recommendations open, Percentage: 3%; Recommendations closed-implemented, Number: 326; Recommendations closed-implemented, Percentage: 85%; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Number: 46; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Percentage: 12%. Fiscal year: 2003; Number of GAO recommendations: 500; Recommendations open, Number: 9; Recommendations open, Percentage: 2%; Recommendations closed-implemented, Number: 409; Recommendations closed-implemented, Percentage: 82%; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Number: 82; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Percentage: 16%. Fiscal year: 2004; Number of GAO recommendations: 478; Recommendations open, Number: 28; Recommendations open, Percentage: 6%; Recommendations closed-implemented, Number: 391; Recommendations closed-implemented, Percentage: 82%; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Number: 59; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Percentage: 12%. Fiscal year: 2005; Number of GAO recommendations: 358; Recommendations open, Number: 20; Recommendations open, Percentage: 6%; Recommendations closed-implemented, Number: 254; Recommendations closed-implemented, Percentage: 71%; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Number: 84; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Percentage: 23%. Fiscal year: 2006; Number of GAO recommendations: 393; Recommendations open, Number: 196; Recommendations open, Percentage: 50%; Recommendations closed-implemented, Number: 169; Recommendations closed-implemented, Percentage: 43%; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Number: 28; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Percentage: 7%. Fiscal year: 2007; Number of GAO recommendations: 313; Recommendations open, Number: 212; Recommendations open, Percentage: 68%; Recommendations closed-implemented, Number: 77; Recommendations closed-implemented, Percentage: 25%; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Number: 24; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Percentage: 8%. Fiscal year: 2008; Number of GAO recommendations: 381; Recommendations open, Number: 352; Recommendations open, Percentage: 92%; Recommendations closed-implemented, Number: 18; Recommendations closed-implemented, Percentage: 5%; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Number: 11; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Percentage: 3%. Fiscal year: Total; Number of GAO recommendations: 3,099; Recommendations open, Number: 841; Recommendations open, Percentage: 27%; Recommendations closed-implemented, Number: 1,878; Recommendations closed-implemented, Percentage: 61%; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Number: 380; Recommendations closed–not implemented, Percentage: 12%. Source: GAO. Note: Data are from analysis of Engagement Results database on recommendations to DOD. Numbers may not add due to rounding. [End of table] We are sending copies of this report to appropriate congressional committees. In addition, this report will be available at no charge on the GAO Web site at [hyperlink,]. If you or your staff have any questions about this report, please contact me at (202) 512-8246 or Contact points for our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found on the last page of this report. Key contributors to this report are listed in enclosure II. Signed by: Jack E. Edwards: Director, Defense Capabilities and Management: Enclosures – 2: List of Committees: The Honorable Carl Levin: Chairman: The Honorable John McCain: Ranking Member: Committee on Armed Services: United States Senate: The Honorable Kent Conrad: Chairman: The Honorable Judd Gregg: Ranking Member: Committee on the Budget: United States Senate: The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye: Chairman: The Honorable Thad Cochran: Ranking Member: Subcommittee on Defense: Committee on Appropriations: United States Senate: The Honorable Ike Skelton: Chairman: The Honorable Howard McKeon: Ranking Member: Committee on Armed Services: House of Representatives: The Honorable John M. Spratt, Jr. Chairman: The Honorable Paul Ryan: Ranking Member: Committee on the Budget: House of Representatives: The Honorable John P. Murtha: Chairman: The Honorable C. W. Bill Young: Ranking Member: Subcommittee on Defense: Committee on Appropriations: House of Representatives: [End of section] Enclosure I: Implementation Status of GAO Recommendations Made to DOD in Fiscal Year 2001 through Fiscal Year 2008: This enclosure provides eight tables containing our analysis on the implementation status of the 3,099 GAO recommendations made to the Department of Defense (DOD) in the 743 reports issued from fiscal year 2001 through fiscal year 2008. Tables 2 through 9 separately display the implementation status for each respective fiscal year. For each year, the results are arranged alphabetically by report title and include the product number and status of the report's recommendations. At the bottom of each table is a fiscal year summary total. The bottom of table 9 additionally shows grand totals for recommendations made to DOD and the implementation status as open, closed-implemented, and closed-not implemented. Table 2: Status of DOD Recommendations by Report, Fiscal Year 2001: Product number: GAO-01-967; Product title: Army Management: Need to Reassess Risk and Resources for Inspecting Ceremonial Rifles; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-436; Product title: Army Training: Improvements Are Needed in 5-Ton Truck Driver Training and Supervision; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-01-288; Product title: Best Practices: Better Matching of Needs and Resources Will Lead to Better Weapon System Outcomes; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-510; Product title: Best Practices: DOD Teaming Practices Not Achieving Potential Results; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 7. Product number: GAO-01-697; Product title: Canceled DOD Appropriations: $615 Million of Illegal or Otherwise Improper Adjustments; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 7; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-667; Product title: Chemical and Biological Defense: Improved Risk Assessment and Inventory Management Are Needed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-27; Product title: Chemical and Biological Defense: Units Better Equipped, but Training and Readiness Reporting Problems Remain; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-01-850; Product title: Chemical Weapons: FEMA and Army Must Be Proactive in Preparing States for Emergencies; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-632; Product title: Combat Identification Systems: Strengthened Management Efforts Needed to Ensure Required Capabilities; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-463; Product title: Combating Terrorism: Accountability Over Medical Supplies Needs Further Improvement; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-909; Product title: Combating Terrorism: Actions Needed to Improve DOD Antiterrorism Program Implementation and Management; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 7; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-822; Product title: Combating Terrorism: Selected Challenges and Related Recommendations; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-459; Product title: Computer-Based Patient Records: Better Planning and Oversight by VA, DOD, and IHS Would Enhance Health Data Sharing; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-86R; Product title: Concerns Raised About Use of Unreconciled Activity Codes to Requisition New and Excess Government Property; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-767; Product title: Contract Management: Benefits of the DOD Mentor-Protégé Program Are Not Conclusive; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-801; Product title: Contract Management: DOD's Profit Policy Provision to Stimulate Innovation Needs Clarification; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-309; Product title: Contract Management: Excess Payments and Underpayments Continue to Be a Problem at DOD; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-295; Product title: Contract Management: No DOD Proposal to Improve Contract Service Costs Reporting; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-694; Product title: Cooperative Threat Reduction: DOD Has Adequate Oversight of Assistance, but Procedural Limitations Remain; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-686; Product title: Debt Collection: Defense Finance and Accounting Service Needs to Improve Collection Efforts; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-450; Product title: Defense Acquisition: Comanche Program Objectives Need to Be Revised to More Achievable Levels; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-607; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Higher Level DOD Review of Antiarmor Mission and Munitions Is Needed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-01-74; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Need to Confirm Requirements for $4.1 Billion Antiarmor Missile System; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-22; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Price Trends for Defense Logistics Agency's Weapon System Parts; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-23; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Prices of Navy Aviation Spare Parts Have Increased; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-6; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Space-Based Infrared System-low at Risk of Missing Initial Deployment Date; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-01-902; Product title: Defense Budget: Need to Better Inform Congress on Funding for Army Division Training; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-513; Product title: Defense Health Care: Continued Management Focus Key to Settling TRICARE Change Orders Quickly; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-473; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Commissary Reorganization Should Produce Savings but Opportunities May Exist for More; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-437: Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Military Services Lack Reliable Data on Historic Properties; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-475; Product title: Defense Inventory: Approach for Deciding Whether to Retain or Dispose of Items Needs Improvement; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-425; Product title: Defense Inventory: Army War Reserve Spare Parts Requirements Are Uncertain; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-01-30: Product title: Defense Inventory: Implementation Plans to Enhance Control Over Shipped Items Can Be Improved; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-472; Product title: Defense Inventory: Information on the Use of Spare Parts Funding Is Lacking; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-32: Product title: Defense Inventory: Most Excess Property in Panama Was Disposed of Properly, but Some Control Weaknesses Existed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-923; Product title: Defense Inventory: Navy Spare Parts Quality Deficiency Reporting Program Needs Improvement; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-01-372; Product title: Defense Inventory: Steps the Army Can Take to Improve the Management and Oversight of Excess Ammunition; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-618; Product title: Defense Logistics: Air Force Lacks Data to Assess Contractor Logistics Support Approaches; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-18; Defense Logistics: Unfinished Actions Limit Reliability of the Munition Requirements Determination Process; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-683; Product title: Defense Management: Better Guidance Needed in Selecting Operating Methods for Name-Brand, Fast-Food Restaurants; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-943; Product title: Defense Manufacturing Technology Program: More Joint Projects and Tracking of Results Could Benefit Program; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-01-795; Product title: Defense Spectrum Management: More Analysis Needed to Support Spectrum Use Decisions for the 1755-1850 MHz Band; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-01-559; Product title: Defense Working Capital Fund: Improvements Needed for Managing the Backlog of Funded Work; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-196R; Product title: Department of the Air Force: Unauthorized Activity Codes Used to Requisition New and Excess DOD Property; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-85R; Product title: Department of the Army: Unauthorized Activity Codes Used to Requisition New DOD Property; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-206R; Product title: Department of the Navy: Unauthorized Activity Codes Used to Requisition New and Excess DOD Property; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-19; Product title: Depot Maintenance: Key Financial Issues for Consolidations at Pearl Harbor and Elsewhere Are Still Unresolved; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-588; Product title: DOD and VA Pharmacy: Progress and Remaining Challenges in Jointly Buying and Mailing Out Drugs; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-116; Product title: DOD Information Technology: Software and Systems Process Improvement Programs Vary in Use of Best Practices; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-508; Product title: DOD Personnel: Improvements Made to Housing Allowance Rate-Setting Process; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-465; Product title: DOD Personnel: More Consistency Needed in Determining Eligibility for Top Secret Security Clearances; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-01-682; Product title: DOD Systems Modernization: Continued Investment in the Standard Procurement System Has Not Been Justified; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-26; Product title: Drug Control: U.S. Assistance to Colombia Will Take Years to Produce Results; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-1026; Product title: Elections: Voting Assistance to Military and Overseas Citizens Should Be Improved; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-01-843; Product title: Electronic Combat: Services Should Consider Greater Use of New Test Equipment for Their Aircraft; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-28; Product title: Electronic Warfare: Comprehensive Strategy Needed for Suppressing Enemy Air Defenses; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-448; Product title: Electronic Warfare: The Army Can Reduce Its Risks in Developing New Radar Countermeasures System; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-01-557; Product title: Environmental Contamination: Cleanup Actions at Formerly Used Defense Sites; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-01-479; Product title: Environmental Liabilities: DOD Training Range Cleanup Cost Estimates Are Likely Understated; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-10; Product title: Export Controls: System for Controlling Exports of High Performance Computing Is Ineffective; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-01-764; Product title: Financial Management: DOD Improvement Plan Needs Strategic Focus; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-847; Product title: Financial Management: Improvements in Air Force Fund Balance With Treasury Reconciliation Process; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-37R; Product title: Financial Management: Improvements Needed in the Navy's Reporting of General Fund Inventory; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-45R; Product title: Financial Management: Reporting of Army Conventional Ammunition as Operating Materials and Supplies; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-89; Product title: Financial Management: Significant Weaknesses in Corps of Engineers' Computer Controls; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-198; Product title: Force Structure: Army Lacks Units Needed for Extended Contingency Operations; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-485; Product title: Force Structure: Projected Requirements for Some Army Forces Not Well Established; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-341; Product title: Information Security: Challenges to Improving DOD's Incident Response Capabilities; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 9; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-307; Product title: Information Security: Progress and Challenges to an Effective Defense-wide Information Assurance Program; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 13; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-01-525; Product title: Information Technology: Architecture Needed to Guide Modernization of DOD's Financial Operations; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 7; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-01-631; Product title: Information Technology: DLA Should Strengthen Business Systems Modernization Architecture and Investment Activities; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 9; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-515R; Product title: Internal Controls: C-17 Payment Procedures Can Be Improved; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 4. Product number: GAO-01-461; Product title: Kosovo Air Operations: Combat Aircraft Basing Plans Are Needed in Advance of Future Conflicts; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-239; Product title: Land Mine Detection: DOD's Research Program Needs a Comprehensive Evaluation Strategy; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-01-889; Product title: Military Housing: DOD Needs to Address Long-Standing Requirements Determination Problems; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-80; Product title: Military Personnel: Actions Needed to Achieve Greater Results From Air Force Family Need Assessments; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 4. Product number: GAO-01-566; Product title: Military Readiness: Management Focus Needed on Airfields for Overseas Deployments; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-01-840; Product title: Military Readiness: Management of Naval Aviation Training Munitions Can Be Improved; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-01-853; Product title: Military Transformation: Navy Efforts Should Be More Integrated and Focused; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-17; Product title: National Defense Stockpile: Improved Financial Plan Needed to Enhance Decision-making; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-31; Product title: Naval Ship Donation: Selection Decision for U.S.S. New Jersey Was Objective, but Selection Process Can Be Strengthened; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-493; Product title: Navy Acquisitions: Improved Littoral War-Fighting Capabilities Needed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-178R; Product title: Navy Aviation Spare Parts Billing Transaction Issues; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-01-310; Product title: Tactical Aircraft: F-22 Development and Testing Delays Indicate Need for Limit on Low-Rate Production; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-01-163; Product title: Tactical Aircraft: Modernization Plans Will Not Reduce Average Age of Aircraft; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-01-1113R; Product title: U.S. Army's Procurements of Battle Effects Simulators; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-01-325; Product title: Wetlands Protection: Assessments Needed to Determine Effectiveness of In-Lieu-Fee Mitigation; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Fiscal year 2001 total: 292; Recommendations Open: 12; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 234; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 45. Source: GAO. [End of table] Table 3: Status of DOD Recommendations by Report, Fiscal Year 2002: Product number: GAO-02-623; Product title: Air Force Depot Maintenance: Management Improvements Needed for Backlog of Funded Contract Maintenance Work; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-02-445; Product title: Anthrax Vaccine: GAO's Survey of Guard and Reserve Pilots and Aircrew; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-02-98; Product title: Army Readiness: Readiness Improved for Selected Divisions, but Manning Imbalances Persist; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-77; Product title: Aviation Safety: FAA and DOD Response to Similar Safety Concerns; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-701; Product title: Best Practices: Capturing Design and Manufacturing Knowledge Early Improves Acquisition Outcomes; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 14; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-02-230; Best Practices: Taking a Strategic Approach Could Improve DOD's Acquisition of Services; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-747; Product title: Canceled DOD Appropriations: Improvements Made but More Corrective Actions Are Needed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-38; Product title: Chemical and Biological Defense: DOD Needs to Clarify Expectations in Medical Readiness; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-02-890; Product title: Chemical Weapons: Lessons Learned Program Generally Effective but Could Be Improved and Expanded; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-502; Product title: Contract Management: DOD Needs Better Guidance on Granting Waivers for Certified Cost or Pricing Data; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-565; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Navy Needs Plan to Address Rising Prices in Aviation Parts; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-201; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Steps to Improve the Crusader Program's Investment Decisions; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-02-692; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Testing Needed to Prove SURTASS/LFA Effectiveness in Littoral Waters; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-450; Product title: Defense Budget: Need to Strengthen Guidance and Oversight of Contingency Operation Costs; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-103; Product title: Defense Environmental Issues: Improved Guidance Needed for Reporting on Recovered Cleanup Costs; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-73; Product title: Defense Health Care: Disability Programs Need Improvement and Face Challenges; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-02-829; Product title: Defense Health Care: Most Reservists Have Civilian Health Coverage but More Assistance Is Needed When TRICARE Is Used; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-475; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Greater Management Emphasis Needed to Increase the Services' Use of Expanded Leasing Authority; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-02-617; Product title: Defense Inventory: Air Force Needs to Improve Control of Shipments to Repair Contractors; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 5. Product number: GAO-02-75; Product title: Defense Inventory: Control Weaknesses Leave Restricted and Hazardous Excess Property Vulnerable to Improper Use, Loss, and Theft; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 9; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-650; Product title: Defense Inventory: Improved Industrial Base Assessments for Army War Reserve Spares Could Save Money; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 4. Product number: GAO-02-105; Product title: Defense Logistics: Actions Needed to Overcome Capability Gaps in the Public Depot System; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-582; Product title: Defense Logistics: Better Fuel Pricing Practices Will Improve Budget Accuracy; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-776; Product title: Defense Logistics: Improving Customer Feedback Program Could Enhance DLA's Delivery of Services; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 11; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-02-306; Product title: Defense Logistics: Opportunities to Improve the Army's and Navy's Decision-making Process for Weapons Systems Support; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-106; Product title: Defense Logistics: Strategic Planning Weaknesses Leave Economy, Efficiency, and Effectiveness of Future Support Systems at Risk; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-256; Product title: Defense Management: Industry Practices Can Help Military Exchanges Better Assure That Their Goods Are Not Made by Child or Forced Labor; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-351; Product title: Defense Management: Proposed Lodging Policy May Lead to Improvements, but More Actions Are Required; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-02-542; Product title: Defense Plans: Plan to Better Use Air Force Squadrons Could Yield Benefits but Faces Significant Challenges; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-02-604; Product title: Delaware River Deepening Project: Comprehensive Reanalysis Needed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-95; Product title: Depot Maintenance: Management Attention Required to Further Improve Workload Allocation Data; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-329; Product title: Desktop Outsourcing: Positive Results Reported, but Analyses Could Be Strengthened; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-635; Product title: DOD Contract Management: Overpayments Continue and Management and Accounting Issues Remain; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-423; Product title: Environmental Cleanup: Better Communication Needed for Dealing with Formerly Used Defense Sites in Guam; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-658; Product title: Environmental Contamination: Corps Needs to Reassess Its Determinations That Many Former Defense Sites Do Not Need Cleanup; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-117; Product title: Environmental Liabilities: Cleanup Costs From Certain DOD Operations Are Not Being Reported; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-529R; Product title: Export Control: Army Guidance on Cooperative Research and Development Agreement Compliance with Export Control Laws and Regulations; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-996; Product title: Export Controls: Processes for Determining Proper Control of Defense-Related Items Needs Improvement; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-02-749; Product title: Financial Management: Coordinated Approach Needed to Address the Government's Improper Payments Problems; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-846; Product title: Force Structure: Review of B-1 B Process Identifies Opportunity to Improve Future Analysis; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-02-541; Product title: Force Structure: Air Force Needs a Periodic Total Force Assessment; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-1027; Product title: Foreign Assistance: Reporting of Defense Articles and Services Provided through Drawdowns Needs to Be Improved; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-375; Product title: Foreign Languages: Human Capital Approach Needed to Correct Staffing and Proficiency Shortfalls; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-50; Product title: Information Technology: Defense Information Systems Agency Can Improve Investment Planning and Management Controls; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 32; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-314; Product title: Information Technology: DLA Needs to Strengthen Its Investment Management Capability; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 12; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-681; Product title: Information Technology: DOD Needs to Improve Process for Ensuring Interoperability of Telecommunications Switches; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-345; Product title: Information Technology: Greater Use of Best Practices Can Reduce Risks in Acquiring Defense Health Care System; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-9; Product title: Information Technology: Inconsistent Software Acquisition Processes at the Defense Logistics Agency Increase Project Risks; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-39; Product title: Joint Strike Fighter Acquisition: Mature Critical Technologies Needed to Reduce Risks; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-02-86; Product title: Military Aircraft: Services Need Strategies to Reduce Cannibalizations; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-433; Product title: Military Base Closures: Progress in Completing Actions from Prior Realignments and Closures; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-624; Product title: Military Housing: Management Improvements Needed As the Pace of Privatization Quickens; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-935; Product title: Military Personnel: Active Duty Benefits Reflect Changing Demographics, but Opportunities Exist to Improve; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-738; Product title: Military Space Operations: Planning, Funding, and Acquisition Challenges Facing Efforts to Strengthen Space Control; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 6. Product number: GAO-02-614; Product title: Military Training: DOD Lacks a Comprehensive Plan to Manage Encroachment on Training Ranges; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-525; Product title: Military Training: Limitations Exist Overseas but Are Not Reflected in Readiness Reporting; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-856; Product title: Military Transformation: Actions Needed to Better Manage DOD's Joint Experimentation Program; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-442; Product title: Military Transformation: Army Actions Needed to Enhance Formation of Future Interim Brigade Combat Teams; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 7; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-02-631; Product title: Missile Defense: Knowledge-Based Decision Making Needed to Reduce Risks in Developing Airborne Laser; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-959; Product title: National Guard: Effective Management Processes Needed for Wide-Area Network; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 7; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-803; Product title: Oregon Inlet Jetty Project: Environmental and Economic Concerns Need to Be Resolved; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-732; Product title: Purchase Cards: Control Weaknesses Leave Army Vulnerable to Fraud, Waste, and Abuse; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 22; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-32; Product title: Purchase Cards: Control Weaknesses Leave Two Navy Units Vulnerable to Fraud and Abuse; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 37; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-02-1041; Product title: Purchase Cards: Navy is Vulnerable to Fraud and Abuse but Is Taking Action to Resolve Control Weaknesses; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 17; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-02-608; Product title: Reserve Forces: DOD Actions Needed to Better Manage Relations between Reservists and Their Employers; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 7; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-166R; Product title: Small Business Subcontracting Report Validation Can Be Improved; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-402RNI; Product title: Space Surveillance Network: Appropriate Controls Needed Over Data Access; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-298; Product title: Tactical Aircraft: F-22 Delays Indicate Initial Production Rates Should Be Lower to Reduce Risks; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-02-34; Product title: User Fees: DOD Fees for Providing Information Not Current and Consistent; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-02-1017; Product title: VA and Defense Health Care: Increased Risk of Medication Errors for Shared Patients; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Fiscal year 2002 total: 384; Recommendations Open: 12; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 326; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 46. Source: GAO. [End of table] Table 4: Status of DOD Recommendations by Report, Fiscal Year 2003: Product number: GAO-03-21; Product title: Army Logistics: Report on Manpower and Workload System Inadequate and System Interface Untested; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-484R; Product title: Army Stryker Brigades: Assessment of External Logistics Support Should Be Documented for the Congressionally Mandated Review of the Army's Operational Evaluation Plan; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-661; Product title: Best Practices: Improved Knowledge of DOD Service Contracts Could Reveal Significant Savings; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 7; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-57; Product title: Best Practices: Setting Requirements Differently Could Reduce Weapon Systems' Total Ownership Costs; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-03-879R; Product title: Challenges and Risks Associated with the Joint Tactical Radio System Program; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-1031; Product title: Chemical Weapons: Sustained Leadership, Along With Key Strategic Management Tools, Is Needed to Guide DOD's Destruction Program; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-14; Product title: Combating Terrorism: Actions Needed to Guide Services' Antiterrorism Efforts at Installations; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-15; Product title: Combating Terrorism: Actions Needed to Improve Force Protection for DOD Deployments through Domestic Seaports; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-731NI; Product title: Combating Terrorism: Improvements Needed in European Command's Antiterrorism Approach for In-Transit Forces at Seaports; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-03-440; Product title: Contract Management: DLA Properly Implemented Best Value Contracting for Clothing and Textiles and Views Supplier Base as Uncertain; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-935; Product title: Contract Management: High-Level Attention Needed to Transform DOD Services Acquisition; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-1068; Product title: Contract Management: No Reliable Data to Measure Benefits of the Simplified Acquisition Test Program; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-382; Product title: Corps of Engineers: Effects of Restrictions on Corps' Hopper Dredges Should Be Comprehensively Analyzed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-442; Product title: Defense Acquisition: Advanced SEAL Delivery System Program Needs Increased Oversight; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 10; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-150; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: DOD Has Implemented Section 845 Recommendations but Reporting Can Be Enhanced; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-52; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Factors Affecting Outcomes of Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrations; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-1073; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Improvements Needed in Space Systems Acquisition Management Policy; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-598; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Matching Resources with Requirements Is Key to the Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle Program's Success; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-03-329; Defense Acquisitions: Steps Needed to Product title: Ensure Interoperability of Systems That Process Intelligence Data; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-275; Product title: Defense Budget: Improved Reviews Needed to Ensure Better Management of Obligated Funds; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-160; Product title: Defense Commissaries: Additional Small Business Opportunities Should Be Explored; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-437; Product title: Defense Health Care: Army Needs to Assess the Health Status of All Early-Deploying Reservists; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-928; Product title: Defense Health Care: Oversight of the TRICARE Civilian Provider Network Should Be Improved; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-03-1041; Product title: Defense Health Care: Quality Assurance Process Needed to Improve Force Health Protection and Surveillance; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-643; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Basing Uncertainties Necessitate Reevaluation of U.S. Construction Plans in South Korea; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-516; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Changes in Funding Priorities and Management Processes Needed to Improve Condition and Reduce Costs of Guard and Reserve Facilities; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 8; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-274; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Changes in Funding Priorities and Strategic Planning Needed to Improve the Condition of Military Facilities; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-417; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Personnel Reductions Have Not Hampered Most Commissaries' Store Operations and Customer Service; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-706; Product title: Defense Inventory: Air Force Plans and Initiatives to Mitigate Spare Parts Shortages Need Better Implementation; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-18; Product title: Defense Inventory: Better Reporting on Spare Parts Spending Will Enhance Congressional Oversight; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-708; Product title: Defense Inventory: Navy Logistics Strategy and Initiatives Need to Address Spare Parts Shortages; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-887; Product title: Defense Inventory: Opportunities Exist to Improve Spare Parts Support Aboard Deployed Navy Ships; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-355; Product title: Defense Inventory: Overall Inventory and Requirements Are Increasing, but Some Reductions in Navy Requirements Are Possible; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-709; Product title: Defense Inventory: Several Actions Are Needed to Further DLA's Efforts to Mitigate Shortages of Critical Parts; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-03-705; Product title: Defense Inventory: The Army Needs a Plan to Overcome Critical Spare Parts Shortages; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-707; Product title: Defense Inventory: The Department Needs a Focused Effort to Overcome Critical Spare Parts Shortages; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-03-214; Product title: Defense Management: Army Needs to Address Resource and Mission Requirements Affecting Its Training and Doctrine Command; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-03-818; Product title: Defense Management: DOD Faces Challenges Implementing Its Core Competency Approach and A-76 Competitions; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-17; Product title: Defense Management: Munitions Requirements and Combatant Commanders' Needs Require Linkage; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-753; Product title: Defense Management: Opportunities to Reduce Corrosion Costs and Increase Readiness; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 10; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-861; Product title: Defense Pilot Programs: DOD Needs to Improve Implementation Process for Pilot Programs; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-03-379; Product title: Defense Space Activities: Organizational Changes Initiated, but Further Management Actions Needed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-03-694; Product title: Defense Trade: Better Information Needed to Support Decisions Affecting Proposed Weapons Transfers; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-03-367; Product title: Defense Transportation: Monitoring Costs and Benefits Needed While Implementing a New Program for Moving Household Goods; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-16; Product title: Depot Maintenance: Change in Reporting Practices and Requirements Could Enhance Congressional Oversight; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-1023; Product title: Depot Maintenance: DOD's 50-50 Reporting Should Be Streamlined; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-682; Product title: Depot Maintenance: Key Unresolved Issues Affect the Army Depot System's Viability; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-423; Product title: Depot Maintenance: Public-Private Partnerships Have Increased, but Long-Term Growth and Results Are Uncertain; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-465; Product title: DOD Business Systems Modernization: Continued Investment in Key Accounting Systems Needs to be Justified; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-1018; Product title: DOD Business Systems Modernization: Important Progress Made to Develop Business Enterprise Architecture, but Much Work Remains; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 8; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-458; Product title: DOD Business Systems Modernization: Improvements to Enterprise Architecture Development and Implementation Efforts Needed; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-472; Product title: DOD Civilian Personnel: Improved Strategic Planning Needed to Help Ensure Viability of DOD's Civilian Industrial Workforce; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 18; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-727; Product title: DOD Contract Payments: Management Action Needed to Reduce Billions in Adjustments to Contract Payment Records; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-1046; Product title: DOD Personnel: Documentation of the Army's Civilian Workforce-Planning Model Needed to Enhance Credibility; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-475; Product title: DOD Personnel: DOD Actions Needed to Strengthen Civilian Human Capital Strategic Planning and Integration with Military Personnel and Sourcing Decisions; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-03-783; Product title: Drug Control: Specific Performance Measures and Long- Term Costs for U.S. Programs in Colombia Have Not Been Developed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-51; Product title: Electronic Warfare: Comprehensive Strategy Still Needed for Suppressing Enemy Air Defenses; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-639; Product title: Environmental Compliance: Better DOD Guidance Needed to Ensure That the Most Important Activities Are Funded; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-146; Product title: Environmental Contamination: DOD Has Taken Steps to Improve Cleanup Coordination at Former Defense Sites but Clearer Guidance Is Needed to Ensure Consistency; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-457; Product title: Financial Management: DOD's Metrics Program Provides Focus for Improving Performance; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-939R; Product title: Foreign Military Sales: Air Force Does Not Use Controls to Prevent Spare Parts Containing Sensitive Military Technology from Being Released to Foreign Countries; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-664; Product title: Foreign Military Sales: Improved Air Force Controls Could Prevent Unauthorized Shipments of Classified and Controlled Spare Parts to Foreign Countries; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-670; Product title: Homeland Defense: DOD Needs to Assess the Structure of U.S. Forces for Domestic Military Missions; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-371; Product title: Information Technology: DOD Needs to Leverage Lessons Learned from Its Outsourcing Projects; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-03-33; Product title: Information Technology: Issues Affecting Cost Impact of Navy Marine Corps Intranet Need to Be Resolved; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-775; Product title: Joint Strike Fighter Acquisition: Cooperative Program Needs Greater Oversight to Ensure Goals Are Met; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-723; Product title: Military Base Closures: Better Planning Needed for Future Reserve Enclaves; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-1017; Product title: Military Education: DOD Needs to Align Academy Preparatory Schools' Mission Statements with Overall Guidance and Establish Performance Goals; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-1000; Product title: Military Education: DOD Needs to Enhance Performance Goals and Measures to Improve Oversight of Military Academies; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-602; Product title: Military Housing: Opportunities That Should Be Explored to Improve Housing and Reduce Costs for Unmarried Junior Servicemembers; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-257R; Product title: Military Housing: Opportunity for Reducing Planned Military Construction Costs for Barracks; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-695; Product title: Military Operations: Contractors Provide Vital Services to Deployed Forces but Are Not Adequately Addressed in DOD Plans; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-03-1088; Product title: Military Operations: Fiscal Year 2003 Obligations Are Substantial, but May Result in Less Obligations Than Expected; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-921; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD Actions Needed to Improve the Efficiency of Mobilizations for Reserve Forces; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 13; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-1004; Military Personnel: DOD Needs More Data to Address Financial and Health Care Issues Affecting Reservists; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 8; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-554; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD Needs to Assess Certain Factors in Determining Whether Hazardous Duty Pay Is Warranted for Duty in the Polar Regions; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-238; Product title: Military Personnel: Joint Officer Development Has Improved, but a Strategic Approach Is Needed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-149; Product title: Military Personnel: Management and Oversight of Selective Reenlistment Bonus Program Needs Improvement; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-03-520; Product title: Military Personnel: Navy Actions Needed to Optimize Ship Crew Size and Reduce Total Ownership Costs; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-237; Product title: Military Personnel: Oversight Process Needed to Help Maintain Momentum of DOD's Strategic Human Capital Planning; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-278; Military Readiness: Civil Reserve Air Fleet Can Respond as Planned, but Incentives May Need Revamping; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-03-300; Product title: Military Readiness: DOD Needs a Clear and Defined Process for Setting Aircraft Availability Goals in the New Security Environment; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-451; Military Readiness: DOD Needs to Better Product title: Manage Automatic Test Equipment Modernization; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-505; Product title: Military Readiness: Lingering Training and Equipment Issues Hamper Air Support of Ground Forces; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-03-456; Product title: Military Readiness: New Reporting System Is Intended to Address Long-Standing Problems, but Better Planning Is Needed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-03-1005; Product title: Military Recruiting: DOD Needs to Establish Objectives and Measures to Better Evaluate Advertising's Effectiveness; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-976; Product title: Military Training: Implementation Strategy Needed to Increase Interagency Management for Endangered Species Affecting Training Ranges; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-1026; Product title: Military Training: Strategic Planning and Distributive Learning Could Benefit the Special Operations Forces Foreign Language Program; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-03-801; Product title: Military Transformation: Realistic Deployment Timelines Needed for Army Stryker Brigades; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-03-402R; Product title: Military Treatment Facilities: Eligibility Follow-up at Wilford Hall Air Force Medical Center; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-168; Product title: Military Treatment Facilities: Internal Control Activities Need Improvement; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 8; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-600; Product title: Missile Defense: Additional Knowledge Needed in Developing System for Intercepting Long-Range Missiles; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: ; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-597; Product title: Missile Defense: Alternate Approaches to Space Tracking and Surveillance System Need to Be Considered; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-03-441; Product title: Missile Defense: Knowledge-Based Practices Are Being Adopted, but Risks Remain; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-668; Product title: Navy Working Capital Fund: Backlog of Funded Work at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command Was Consistently Understated; Recommendations Open: 13; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 13; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-292; Product title: Purchase Cards: Control Weaknesses Leave the Air Force Vulnerable to Fraud, Waste, and Abuse; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 37; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-13; Product title: Quadrennial Defense Review: Future Reviews Can Benefit from Better Analysis and Changes in Timing and Scope; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: ; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-617R; Product title: Spectrum Management in Defense Acquisitions; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-03-280; Product title: Tactical Aircraft: DOD Needs to Better Inform Congress about Implications of Continuing F/A-22 Cost Growth; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 5. Product number: GAO-03-431; Product title: Tactical Aircraft: DOD Should Reconsider Decision to Increase F/A-22 Production Rates While Development Risks Continue; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-03-298; Product title: Travel Cards: Air Force Management Focus Has Reduced Delinquencies, but Improvements in Controls Are Needed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 16; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-03-169; Product title: Travel Cards: Control Weaknesses Leave Army Vulnerable to Potential Fraud and Abuse; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 24; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-03-147; Product title: Travel Cards: Control Weaknesses Leave Navy Vulnerable to Fraud and Abuse; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 24; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-03-482; Product title: Weapons of Mass Destruction: Additional Russian Cooperation Needed to Facilitate U.S. Efforts to Improve Security at Russian Sites; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Fiscal year 2003 total: 500; Recommendations Open: 9; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 409; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 82. Source: GAO. [End of table] Table 5: Status of DOD Recommendations by Report, Fiscal Year 2004: Product number: GAO-04-498; Product title: Air Force Depot Maintenance: Improved Pricing and Cost Reduction Practices Needed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-410; Product title: Chemical and Biological Defense: DOD Needs to Continue to Collect and Provide Information on Tests and on Potentially Exposed Personnel; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-855; Product title: Combating Terrorism: DOD Efforts to Improve Installation Preparedness Can Be Enhanced with Clarified Responsibilities and Comprehensive Planning; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 5. Product number: GAO-04-851NI; Product title: Combating Terrorism: Improvements Needed in Pacific Command's Antiterrorism Approach for In-Transit Forces at Seaports; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-80NI; Product title: Combating Terrorism: Improvements Needed in Southern Command's Antiterrorism Approach for In-Transit Forces at Seaports; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-687; Product title: Computer-Based Patient Records: VA and DOD Efforts to Exchange Health Data Could Benefit from Improved Planning and Project Management; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-430; Product title: Contract Management: Agencies Can Achieve Significant Savings on Purchase Card Buys; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-381; Product title: Contract Management: DOD Needs Measures for Small Business Subcontracting Program and Better Data on Foreign Subcontracts; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-874; Product title: Contract Management: Guidance Needed to Promote Competition for Defense Task Orders; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-30; Product title: Corps of Engineers: Improved Analysis of Costs and Benefits Needed for Sacramento Flood Protection Project; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 6. Product number: GAO-04-48; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Despite Restructuring, SBIRS High Program Remains at Risk of Cost and Schedule Overruns; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-04-302; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: DOD Needs to Better Support Program Managers' Implementation of Anti-Tamper Protection; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: ; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-53; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: DOD's Revised Policy Emphasizes Best Practices, but More Controls Are Needed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 13; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-678; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Knowledge of Software Suppliers Needed to Manage Risks; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-759; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Space-Based Radar Effort Needs Additional Knowledge before Starting Development; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-04-393; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Stronger Management Practices Are Needed to Improve DOD's Software-Intensive Weapon Acquisitions; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-69; Product title: Defense Health Care: TRICARE Claims Processing Has Improved but Inefficiencies Remain; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-609NI; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Factors Affecting U.S. Infrastructure Costs Overseas and the Development of Comprehensive Master Plans; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-555; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Issues Related to the Renovation of General and Flag Officer Quarters; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-288; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Long-term Challenges in Managing the Military Construction Program; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-689; Product title: Defense Inventory: Analysis of Consumption of Inventory Exceeding Current Operating Requirements Since September 30, 2001; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-779; Product title: Defense Inventory: Navy Needs to Improve the Management Over Government-Furnished Material Shipped to Its Repair Contractors; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-427R; Product title: Defense Management: Continuing Questionable Reliance on Commercial Contracts to Demilitarize Excess Ammunition When Unused, Environmentally Friendly Capacity Exists at Government Facilities; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-56; Product title: Defense Management: DOD Needs to Strengthen Internal Controls over Funds Used to Support USO Activities; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-296; Product title: Defense Management: Issues in Contracting for Lodging and Temporary Office Space at MacDill Air Force Base; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-640; Product title: Defense Management: Opportunities Exist to Improve Implementation of DOD's Long-Term Corrosion Strategy; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 7; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-715; Product title: Defense Management: Opportunities to Enhance the Implementation of Performance-Based Logistics; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-919; Product title: Defense Management: Tools for Measuring and Managing Defense Agency Performance Could Be Strengthened; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-697; Product title: Defense Space Activities: Additional Actions Needed to Implement Human Capital Strategy and Develop Space Personnel; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-220; Product title: Depot Maintenance: Army Needs Plan to Implement Depot Maintenance Report's Recommendations; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-871; Product title: Depot Maintenance: DOD Needs Plan to Ensure Compliance with Public- and Private-Sector Funding Allocation; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-615; Product title: DOD Business Systems Modernization: Billions Continue to Be Invested with Inadequate Management Oversight and Accountability; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-753; Product title: DOD Civilian Personnel: Comprehensive Strategic Workforce Plans Needed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-04-15NI; Product title: DOD Excess Property: Risk Assessment Needed on Public Sales of Equipment That Could Be Used to Make Biological Agents; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-601; Product title: DOD Operational Ranges: More Reliable Cleanup Cost Estimates and a Proactive Approach to Identifying Contamination Are Needed; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-632; Product title: DOD Personnel Clearances: Additional Steps Can Be Taken to Reduce Backlogs and Delays in Determining Security Clearance Eligibility for Industry Personnel; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-04-344; Product title: DOD Personnel Clearances: DOD Needs to Overcome Impediments to Eliminating Backlog and Determining Its Size; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-398; Product title: DOD Travel Cards: Control Weaknesses Led to Millions of Dollars Wasted on Unused Airline Tickets; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 47; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-576; Product title: DOD Travel Cards: Control Weaknesses Resulted in Millions of Dollars of Improper Payments; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 9; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-93; Product title: Endangered Species: Federal Agencies Have Worked to Improve the Consultation Process, but More Management Attention Is Needed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-664; Product title: Federal Acquisition: Increased Attention to Vehicle Fleets Could Result in Savings; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-910R; Product title: Financial Management: Further Actions Are Needed to Establish Framework to Guide Audit Opinion and Business Management Improvement Efforts at DOD; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-95; Financial Management: Some DOD Contractors Abuse the Federal Tax System with Little Consequence; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-900; Product title: Force Structure: Department of the Navy's Tactical Aviation Integration Plan Is Reasonable, but Some Factors Could Affect Implementation; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-342; Product title: Force Structure: Improved Strategic Planning Can Enhance DOD's Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Efforts; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-04-327; Product title: Foreign Military Sales: Improved Army Controls Could Prevent Unauthorized Shipments of Classified Spare Parts and Items Containing Military Technology to Foreign Countries; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-04-507; Foreign Military Sales: Improved Navy Controls Could Prevent Unauthorized Shipments of Classified and Controlled Spare Parts to Foreign Countries; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 7; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-514; Product title: Future Years Defense Program: Actions Needed to Improve; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-159; Product title: Gulf War Illnesses: DOD's Conclusions about U.S. Troops' Exposure Cannot Be Adequately Supported; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-332; Product title: Industrial Security: DOD Cannot Provide Adequate Assurances That Its Oversight Ensures the Protection of Classified Information; Recommendations Open: 8; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-49; Product title: Information Technology Management: Governmentwide Strategic Planning, Performance Measurement, and Investment Management Can Be Further Improved; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 22; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-722; Product title: Information Technology: DOD's Acquisition Policies and Guidance Need to Incorporate Additional Best Practices and Controls; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 11; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-04-115; Product title: Information Technology: Improvements Needed in the Reliability of Defense Budget Submissions; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-04-349; Product title: Military Aircraft: DOD Needs to Determine Its Aerial Refueling Aircraft Requirements; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-760; Military Base Closures: Assessment of DOD's 2004 Report on the Need for a Base Realignment and Closure Round; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-873; Product title: Military Education: DOD Needs to Develop Performance Goals and Metrics for Advanced Distributed Learning in Professional Military Education; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-111; Product title: Military Housing: Better Reporting Needed on the Status of the Privatization Program and the Costs of Its Consultants; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-556; Product title: Military Housing: Further Improvement Needed in Requirements Determinations and Program Review; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-583; Product title: Military Housing: Opportunities Exist to Better Explain Family Housing O&M Budget Requests and Increase Visibility Over Reprogramming of Funds; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-147; Product title: Military Munitions: DOD Needs to Develop a Comprehensive Approach for Cleaning Up Contaminated Sites; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-452; Product title: Military Operations: DOD Needs to Provide Central Direction for Supporting Coalition Liaison Officers; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-854; Product title: Military Operations: DOD's Extensive Use of Logistics Support Contracts Requires Strengthened Oversight; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-04-915; Product title: Military Operations: Fiscal Year 2004 Costs for the Global War on Terrorism Will Exceed Supplemental, Requiring DOD to Shift Funds from Other Uses; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-547; Product title: Military Operations: Recent Campaigns Benefited from Improved Communications and Technology, but Barriers to Continued Progress Remain; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-89; Product title: Military Pay: Army National Guard Personnel Mobilized to Active Duty Experienced Significant Pay Problems; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 22; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-04-911; Product title: Military Pay: Army Reserve Soldiers Mobilized to Active Duty Experienced Significant Pay Problems; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: ; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-149R; Product title: Military Personnel: DFAS Has Not Met All Information Technology Requirements for Its New Pay System; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 14; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-1003; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD Could Make Greater Use of Existing Legislative Authority to Manage General and Flag Officer Careers; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-805; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD Has Not Implemented the High Deployment Allowance That Could Compensate Servicemembers Deployed Frequently for Short Periods; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-1005; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD Needs More Data Before It Can Determine if Costly Changes to the Reserve Retirement System Are Warranted; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-86; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD Needs More Effective Controls to Better Assess the Progress of the Selective Reenlistment Bonus Program; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-1031; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD Needs to Address Long-term Reserve Force Availability and Related Mobilization and Demobilization Issues; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 8; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-488; Product title: Military Personnel: General and Flag Officer Requirements Are Unclear Based on DOD's 2003 Report to Congress; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-112; Product title: Military Readiness: DOD Needs to Reassess Program Strategy, Funding Priorities, and Risks for Selected Equipment; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-04-608; Product title: Military Training: DOD Report on Training Ranges Does Not Fully Address Congressional Reporting Requirements; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-925; Product title: Military Transformation: Fielding of Army's Stryker Vehicles Is Well Under Way, but Expectations for Their Transportability by C-130 Aircraft Need to Be Clarified; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-188; Product title: Military Transformation: The Army and OSD Met Legislative Requirements for First Stryker Brigade Design Evaluation, but Issues Remain for Future Brigades; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-322R; Product title: Military Treatment Facilities: Improvements Needed to Increase DOD Third-Party Collections; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-409; Product title: Missile Defense: Actions Are Needed to Enhance Testing and Accountability; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-254; Product title: Missile Defense: Actions Being Taken to Address Testing Recommendations, but Updated Assessment Needed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-519; Product title: Nonproliferation: Further Improvements Needed in U.S. Efforts to Counter Threats from Man-Portable Air Defense Systems; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-175; Product title: Nonproliferation: Improvements Needed to Better Control Technology Exports for Cruise Missiles and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-484; Product title: Operation Iraqi Freedom: Long-standing Problems Hampering Mail Delivery Need to Be Resolved; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-156; Product title: Purchase Cards: Steps Taken to Improve DOD Program Management, but Actions Needed to Address Misuse; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-605; Product title: Rebuilding Iraq: Fiscal Year 2003 Contract Award Procedures and Management Challenges; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-04-924; Product title: Russian Nuclear Submarines: U.S. Participation in the Arctic Military Environmental Cooperation Program Needs Better Justification; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-206; Product title: Satellite Communications: Strategic Approach Needed for DOD's Procurement of Commercial Satellite Bandwidth; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 7; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-71R; Product title: Space Acquisitions: Committing Prematurely to the Transformational Satellite Program Elevates Risks for Poor Cost, Schedule, and Performance Outcomes; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-391; Product title: Tactical Aircraft: Changing Conditions Drive Need for New F/A-22 Business Case; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-04-88; Product title: Travel Cards: Internal Control Weaknesses at DOD Led to Improper Use of First and Business Class Travel; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 15; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-643R; Product title: Uncertainties Remain Concerning the Airborne Laser's Cost and Military Utility; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-671; Product title: Vendor Payments: Inadequate Management Oversight Hampers the Navy's Ability to Effectively Manage Its Telecommunication Program; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-297; Product title: Waters and Wetlands: Corps of Engineers Needs to Evaluate Its District Office Practices in Determining Jurisdiction; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-04-330; Product title: Weapons Of Mass Destruction: Defense Threat Reduction Agency Addresses Broad Range of Threats, but Performance Reporting Can Be Improved; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Fiscal year 2004 total: 478; Recommendations Open: 28; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 391; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 59. Source: GAO. [End of table] Table 6: Status of DOD Recommendations by Report, Fiscal Year 2005: Product number: GAO-05-575; Product title: Afghanistan Security: Efforts to Establish Army and Police Have Made Progress, but Future Plans Need to Be Better Defined; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-615; Product title: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology: Business Plan's Implementation Is Unlikely to Achieve Expected Financial Benefits and Could Reduce Civilian Role; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-05-946; Product title: Army Corps of Engineers: Improved Planning and Financial Management Should Replace Reliance on Reprogramming Actions to Manage Project Funds; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-441; Product title: Army Depot Maintenance: Ineffective Oversight of Depot Maintenance Operations and System Implementation Efforts; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 9; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-79; Product title: Army National Guard: Inefficient, Error-Prone Process Results in Travel Reimbursement Problems for Mobilized Soldiers; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 18; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 4. Product number: GAO-05-55; Product title: Capital Financing: Partnerships and Energy Savings Performance Contracts Raise Budgeting and Monitoring Concerns; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-05-8; Product title: Chemical and Biological Defense: Army and Marine Corps Need to Establish Minimum Training Tasks and Improve Reporting for Combat Training Centers; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 4. Product number: GAO-05-274; Product title: Contract Management: Opportunities to Improve Surveillance on Department of Defense Service Contracts ; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-169; Product title: Contract Management: The Air Force Should Improve How It Purchases AWACS Spare Parts; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-329; Product title: Cooperative Threat Reduction: DOD Has Improved Its Management and Internal Controls, but Challenges Remain; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-817; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Actions Needed to Ensure Adequate Funding for Operation and Sustainment of the Ballistic Missile Defense System; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-273; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Changes in E-10A Acquisition Strategy Needed before Development Starts; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-183; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Improved Management Practices Could Help Minimize; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-05-182; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Information for Congress on Performance of Major Programs Can Be More Complete, Timely, and Accessible; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-255; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Plans Need to Allow Enough Time to Demonstrate Capability of First Littoral Combat Ships; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-669; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Resolving Development Risks in the Army's Networked Communications Capabilities Is Key to Fielding Future Force; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-243; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Status of Ballistic Missile Defense Program in 2004; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-687; Product title: Defense Ammunition: DOD Meeting Small and Medium Caliber Ammunition Needs, but Additional Actions Are Necessary; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-341; Product title: Defense Ethics Program: Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Safeguards for Procurement Integrity; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-773; Product title: Defense Health Care: Implementation Issues for New TRICARE Contracts and Regional Structure; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-05-632; Product title: Defense Health Care: Improvements Needed in Occupational and Environmental Health Surveillance during Deployments to Address Immediate and Long-Term Health Issues; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-05-556; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Issues Need to Be Addressed in Managing and Funding Base Operations and Facilities Support; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-433; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Management Issue Requiring Attention in Utility Privatization; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 7; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-05-15; Product title: Defense Inventory: Improvements Needed in DOD's Implementation of Its Long-Term Strategy for Total Asset Visibility of Its Inventory; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-05-275; Product title: Defense Logistics: Actions Needed to Improve the Availability of Critical Items during Current and Future Operations; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 7; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-05-427; Product title: Defense Logistics: Better Management and Oversight of Prepositioning Programs Needed to Reduce Risk and Improve Future Programs; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-345; Product title: Defense Logistics: Better Strategic Planning Can Help Ensure DOD's Successful Implementation of Passive Radio Frequency Identification; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-05-775; Product title: Defense Logistics: DOD Has Begun to Improve Supply Distribution Operations, but Further Actions Are Needed to Sustain These Efforts; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-328; Product title: Defense Logistics: High-Level DOD Coordination Is Needed to Further Improve the Management of the Army's LOGCAP Contract; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-756R; Product title: Defense Management: Assessment Should Be Done to Clarify Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office Personnel and Funding Needs; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-05-966; Product title: Defense Management: DOD Needs to Demonstrate That Performance-Based Logistics Contracts Are Achieving Expected Benefits; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-05-765R; Product title: Defense Management: Munitions Requirements and Combatant Commander's Needs Still Require Linkage; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-293; Product title: Defense Management: Processes to Estimate and Track Equipment Reconstitution Costs Can Be Improved; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-05-957; Product title: Defense Procurement: Air Force Did Not Fully Evaluate Options in Waiving Berry Amendment for Selected Aircraft; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-05-833; Product title: Defense Space Activities: Management and Guidance Performance Measures Needed to Develop Personnel; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-480; Product title: Defense Technology Development: Management Process Can Be Strengthened for New Technology Transition Programs; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-70; Product title: Defense Transformation: Clear Leadership, Accountability, and Management Tools Are Needed to Enhance DOD's Efforts to Transform Military Capabilities; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-05-819; Product title: Defense Transportation: Air Mobility Command Needs to Collect and Analyze Better Data to Assess Aircraft Utilization; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-05-659R; Product title: Defense Transportation: Opportunities Exist to Enhance the Credibility of the Current and Future Mobility Capabilities Studies; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-05-381; Product title: DOD Business Systems Modernization: Billions Being Invested without Adequate Oversight; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-702; Product title: DOD Business Systems Modernization: Long-Standing Weaknesses in Enterprise Architecture Development Need to Be Addressed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-858; Product title: DOD Business Systems Modernization: Navy ERP Adherence to Best Business Practices Critical to Avoid Past Failures; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-277; Product title: DOD Excess Property: Management Control Breakdowns Result in Substantial Waste and Inefficiency; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 13; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-521; DOD Problem Disbursements: Long-standing Product title: Accounting Weaknesses Result in Inaccurate Records and Substantial Write-offs; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-469; Product title: DOD Schools: Limitations in DOD-Sponsored Study on Transfer Alternatives Underscore Need for Additional Assessment; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-05-189; Product title: DOD Systems Modernization: Management of Integrated Military Human Capital Program Needs Additional Improvements; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-340; Product title: Energy Savings: Performance Contracts Offer Benefits, but Vigilance Is Needed to Protect Government Interests; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-587R; Product title: Financial Audit: The Department of Defense's Fiscal Year 2004 Management Representation Letter on Its Financial Statements; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-926; Force Structure: Actions Needed to Improve Estimates and Oversight of Costs for Transforming Army to a Modular Force; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 6. Product number: GAO-05-10; Product title: Force Structure: Navy Needs to Fully Evaluate Options and Provide Standard Guidance for Implementing Surface Ship Rotational Crewing; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-17; Product title: Foreign Military Sales: DOD Needs to Take Additional Actions to Prevent Unauthorized Shipments of Spare Parts; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-882; Product title: Global War on Terrorism: DOD Needs to Improve the Reliability of Cost Data and Provide Additional Guidance to Control Costs; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-05-767; Product title: Global War on Terrorism: DOD Should Consider All Funds Requested for the War When Determining Needs and Covering Expenses; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-05-928T; Product title: Homeland Security: Agency Resources Address Violations of Restricted Airspace, but Management Improvements Are Needed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-730; Product title: Human Capital: DOD's National Security Personnel System Faces Implementation Challenges; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-681; Product title: Industrial Security: DOD Cannot Ensure Its Oversight of Contractors under Foreign Influence Is Sufficient; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 6. Product number: GAO-05-456; Product title: Interagency Contracting: Franchise Funds Provide Convenience, but Value to DOD is Not Demonstrated; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-05-201; Product title: Interagency Contracting: Problems with DOD's and Interior's Orders to Support Military Operations; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-471; Product title: Internet Protocol Version 6: Federal Agencies Need to Plan for Transition and Manage Security Risks; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-544; Product title: Military and Veterans' Benefits: Enhanced Services Could Improve Transition Assistance for Reserves and National Guard; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-785; Product title: Military Bases: Analysis of DOD's 2005 Selection Process and Recommendations for Base Closures and Realignments; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-125; Product title: Military Pay: Gaps in Pay and Benefits Create Financial Hardships for Injured Army National Guard and Reserve Soldiers; Recommendations Open: 7; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 15; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-696; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD Needs Better Controls over Supplemental Life Insurance Solicitation Policies Involving Servicemembers; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-05-200; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD Needs to Conduct a Data-Driven Analysis of Active Military Personnel Levels Required to Implement the Defense Strategy; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-798; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD Needs to Improve the Transparency and Reassess the Reasonableness, Appropriateness, Affordability, and Sustainability of Its Military Compensation System; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-05-87R; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD Needs to Strengthen the Annual Review and Certification of Military Personnel Obligations; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-05-349; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD's Tools for Curbing the Use and Effects of Predatory Lending Not Fully Utilized; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-05-348; Product title: Military Personnel: More DOD Actions Needed to Address Servicemembers' Personal Financial Management Issues; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-05-952; Product title: Military Personnel: Reporting Additional Servicemember Demographics Could Enhance Congressional Oversight; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-548; Product title: Military Training: Actions Needed to Enhance DOD's Program to Transform Joint Training; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-534; Product title: Military Training: Better Planning and Funding Priority Needed to Improve Conditions of Military Training Ranges; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 4. Product number: GAO-05-540; Product title: Military Transformation: Actions Needed by DOD to More Clearly Identify New Triad Spending and Develop a Long-term Investment Approach; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-05-680R; Product title: Opportunities Exist to Improve Future Comprehensive Master Plans for Changing U.S. Defense Infrastructure Overseas; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 7; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-672; Product title: Radiological Sources in Iraq: DOD Should Evaluate Its Source Recovery Effort and Apply Lessons Learned to Future Recovery Missions; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 6. Product number: GAO-05-737; Product title: Rebuilding Iraq: Actions Needed To Improve Use of Private Security Providers; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-05-21; Product title: Reserve Forces: Actions Needed to Better Prepare the National Guard for Future Overseas and Domestic Missions; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-05-660; Product title: Reserve Forces: An Integrated Plan Is Needed to Address Army Reserve Personnel and Equipment Shortages; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-05-304; Product title: Tactical Aircraft: Air Force Still Needs Business Case to Support F/A-22 Quantities and Increased Capabilities; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-271; Product title: Tactical Aircraft: Opportunity to Reduce Risks in the Joint Strike Fighter Program with Different Acquisition Strategy; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-05-155; Product title: Technology Development: New DOD Space Science and Technology Strategy Provides Basis for Optimizing Investments, but Future Versions Need to Be More Robust; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-953; Product title: U.S. Postal Service: Factors Affecting Fund-Raising Stamp Sales Suggest Lessons Learned; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-6; Product title: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Changes in Global Hawk's Acquisition Strategy Are Needed to Reduce Program Risks; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-64; Product title: VA and DOD Health Care: Efforts to Coordinate a Single Physical Exam Process for Servicemembers Leaving the Military; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-167; Product title: Vocational Rehabilitation: More VA and DOD Collaboration Needed to Expedite Services for Seriously Injured Servicemembers; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-870; Product title: Waters and Wetlands: Corps of Engineers Needs to Better Support Its Decisions for Not Asserting Jurisdiction; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-05-157; Product title: Weapons of Mass Destruction: Nonproliferation Programs Need Better Integration; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-05-898; Product title: Wetlands Protection: Corps of Engineers Does Not Have an Effective Oversight Approach to Ensure That Compensatory Mitigation Is Occurring; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Fiscal year 2005 total: 358; Recommendations Open: 20; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 254; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 84. Source: GAO. [End of table] Table 7: Status of DOD Recommendations by Report, Fiscal Year 2006: Product number: GAO-06-966; Product title: Army Corps of Engineers: Improved Monitoring and Clear Guidance Would Contribute to More Effective Use of Continuing Contracts; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-110; Product title: Best Practices: Better Support of Weapon System Program Managers Needed to Improve Outcomes; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 14; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-883; Product title: Best Practices: Stronger Practices Needed to Improve DOD Technology Transition Processes; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-06-658; Product title: Business Systems Modernization: DOD Continues to Improve Institutional Approach, but Further Steps Needed; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-592; Product title: Chemical and Biological Defense: DOD Needs Consistent Policies and Clear Processes to Address the Survivability of Weapon Systems Against Chemical and Biological Threats; Recommendations Open: 6; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-72; Product title: Competitive Sourcing: Health Benefits Cost Comparison Had Minimal Impact, but DOD Needs Uniform Implementation Process; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-399; Product title: Contract Management: Increased Use of Alaska Native Corporations' Special 8(a) Provisions Calls for Tailored Oversight; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-830; Product title: Contract Management: Service Contract Approach to Aircraft Simulator Training Has Room for Improvement; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 10; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-284; Product title: Contract Security Guards: Army's Guard Program Requires Greater Oversight and Reassessment of Acquisition Approach; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 7; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-692; Product title: Cooperative Threat Reduction: DOD Needs More Reliable Data to Better Estimate the Cost and Schedule of the Shchuch'ye Facility; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-593; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Better Acquisition Strategy Needed for Successful Development of the Army's Warrior Unmanned Aircraft System; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-06-66; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: DOD Has Paid Billions in Award and Incentive Fees Regardless of Acquisition Outcomes; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-06-211; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: DOD Management Approach and Processes Not Well-Suited to Support Development of Global Information Grid; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-987R; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: DOD Needs to Establish an Implementing Directive to Publish Information and Take Actions to Improve DOD Information on Critical Acquisition Positions; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-666; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Further Management and Oversight Changes Needed for Efforts to Modernize Cheyenne Mountain Attack Warning Systems; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 8; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-367; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Improved Business Case Is Needed for Future Combat System's Successful Outcome; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 5. Product number: GAO-06-368; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Major Weapon Systems Continue to Experience Cost and Schedule Problems under DOD's Revised Policy; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-327; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Missile Defense Agency Fields Initial Capability but Falls Short of Original Goals; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-955; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Restructured JTRS Program Reduces Risk, but Significant Challenges Remain; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-349; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: The Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle Encountered Difficulties in Design Demonstration and Faces Future Risks; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-914; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Actions Taken to Improve the Management of Utility Privatization, but Some Concerns Remain; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-06-512; Product title: Defense Inventory: Actions Needed to Improve Inventory Retention Management; Recommendations Open: 7; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-209; Product title: Defense Inventory: Army Needs to Strengthen Internal Controls for Items Shipped to Repair Contractors; Recommendations Open: 6; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-928R; Product title: Defense Logistics: Changes to Stryker Vehicle Maintenance Support Should Identify Strategies for Addressing Implementation Challenges; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-274; Product title: Defense Logistics: Lack of a Synchronized Approach between the Marine Corps and Army Affected the Timely Production and Installation of Marine Corps Truck Armor; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-06-366R; Product title: Defense Logistics: More Efficient Use of Active RFID Tags Could Potentially Avoid Millions in Unnecessary Purchases; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-160; Product title: Defense Logistics: Several Factors Limited the Production and Installation of Army Truck Armor during Current Wartime Operations; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-06-140; Product title: Defense Management: Actions Are Needed to Improve the Management and Oversight of the National Guard Youth Challenge Program; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-473; Product title: Defense Management: Actions Needed to Improve Operational Planning and Visibility of Costs for Ballistic Missile Defense; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-13; Product title: Defense Management: Additional Actions Needed to Enhance DOD's Risk-Based Approach for Making Resource Decisions; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-709; Product title: Defense Management: Additional Measures to Reduce Corrosion of Prepositioned Military Assets Could Achieve Cost Savings; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-739R; Product title: Defense Management: Attention Is Needed to Improve Oversight of DLA Prime Vendor Program; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-852; Product title: Defense Management: Comprehensive Strategy and Annual Reporting Are Needed to Measure Progress and Costs of DOD's Global Posture Restructuring; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-232; Product title: Defense Management: Fully Developed Management Framework Needed to Guide Air Force Future Total Force Efforts; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-908; Product title: Defense Space Activities: Management Actions Are Needed to Better Identify, Track, and Train Air Force Space Personnel; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-793; Product title: Defense Technologies: DOD's Critical Technologies Lists Rarely Inform Export Control and Other Policy Decisions; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-938; Product title: Defense Transportation: Study Limitations Raise Questions about the Adequacy and Completeness of the Mobility Capabilities Study and Report; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-980; Product title: Defense Travel System: Reported Savings Questionable and Implementation Challenges Remain; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-530; Product title: Defense Working Capital Fund: Military Services Did Not Calculate and Report Carryover Amounts Correctly; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 8; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-547; Product title: Department of Energy, Office of Worker Advocacy: Deficient Controls Led to Millions of Dollars in Improper and Questionable Payments to Contractors; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-989; Product title: Depot Maintenance: Improvements Needed to Achieve Benefits from Consolidations and Funding Changes at Naval Shipyards; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-88; Product title: Depot Maintenance: Persistent Deficiencies Limit Accuracy and Usefulness of DOD's Funding Allocation Data Reported to Congress; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-06-18; Product title: DOD Business Transformation: Defense Travel System Continues to Face Implementation Challenges; Recommendations Open: 10; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-1085; Product title: DOD Civilian Personnel: Greater Oversight and Quality Assurance Needed to Ensure Force Health Protection and Surveillance for Those Deployed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-995; Product title: DOD Contracting: Efforts Needed to Address Air Force Commercial Acquisition Risk; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-358; Product title: DOD Payments to Small Business: Implementation and Effective Utilization of Electronic Invoicing Could Further Reduce Late Payments; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-215; Product title: DOD Systems Modernization: Planned Investment in the Naval Tactical Command Support System Needs to Be Reassessed; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 5. Product number: GAO-06-171; Product title: DOD Systems Modernization: Uncertain Joint Use and Marginal Expected Value of Military Asset Deployment System Warrant Reassessment of Planned Investment; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-913R; Product title: DOD's Overseas Infrastructure Master Plans Continue to Evolve; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-200; Product title: Drug Control: Agencies Need to Plan for Likely Declines in Drug Interdiction Assets, and Develop Better Performance Measures for Transit Zone Operations; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-446; Product title: Electronic Warfare: Option of Upgrading Additional EA- 6Bs Could Reduce Risk in Development of EA-18G; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-831; Product title: Enterprise Architecture: Leadership Remains Key to Establishing and Leveraging Architectures for Organizational Transformation; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-427; Product title: Environmental Liabilities: Long-Term Fiscal Planning Hampered by Control Weaknesses and Uncertainties in the Federal Government's Estimates; Recommendations Open: 8; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-538; Product title: Equal Employment Opportunity: DOD's EEO Pilot Program Under Way, but Improvements Needed to DOD's Evaluation Plan; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-23; Product title: Financial Product Sales: Actions Needed to Better Protect Military Members; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-745; Force Structure: Army Needs to Provide DOD and Congress More Visibility Regarding Modular Force Capabilities and Implementation Plans; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-125; Product title: Force Structure: Assessments of Navy Reserve Manpower Requirements Need to Consider the Most Cost-effective Mix of Active and Reserve Manpower to Meet Mission Needs; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-962; Product title: Force Structure: DOD Needs to Integrate Data into Its Force Identification Process and Examine Options to Meet Requirements for High-Demand Support Forces; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-498; Product title: Homeland Defense: National Guard Bureau Needs to Clarify Civil Support Teams' Mission and Address Management Challenges; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-643; Product title: Hurricane Katrina: Better Plans and Exercises Needed to Guide the Military's Response to Catastrophic Natural Disasters; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-460; Product title: Hurricane Katrina: Comprehensive Policies and Procedures Are Needed to Ensure Appropriate Use of and Accountability for International Assistance; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-934; Product title: Hurricane Katrina: Strategic Planning Needed to Guide Future Enhancements Beyond Interim Levee Repairs; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-1042; Product title: Influenza Pandemic: DOD Has Taken Important Actions to Prepare, but Accountability, Funding, and Communications Need to be Clearer and Focused Departmentwide; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-392; Product title: Information Assurance: National Partnership Offers Benefits, but Faces Considerable Challenges; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-31; Product title: Information Security: The Defense Logistics Agency Needs to Fully Implement Its Security Program; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 10; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-356; Product title: Joint Strike Fighter: DOD Plans to Enter Production before Testing Demonstrates Acceptable Performance; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-06-736R; Product title: Limitations in the Air Force's Proposed Housing Plan for Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-757; Product title: Mail Security: Incidents at DOD Mail Facilities Exposed Problems That Require Further Actions; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-369; Product title: Managing Sensitive Information: Departments of Energy and Defense Policies and Oversight Could Be Improved; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-06-706; Product title: Managing Sensitive Information: DOD Can More Effectively Reduce the Risk of Classification Errors; Recommendations Open: 6; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-362; Product title: Military Disability System: Improved Oversight Needed to Ensure Consistent and Timely Outcomes for Reserve and Active Duty Service Members; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-438; Product title: Military Housing: Management Issues Require Attention as the Privatization Program Matures; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-848R; Product title: Military Pay: DOD Improperly Paid Army National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers in Deserter Status; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-384R; Product title: Military Pay: Inadequate Controls for Stopping Overpayments of Hostile Fire and Hardship Duty Pay to Over 200 Sick or Injured Army National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers Assigned to Fort Bragg; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-1011; Product title: Military Personnel: Actions Needed to Strengthen Management of Imminent Danger Pay and Combat Zone Tax Relief Benefits; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-06-1068; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD and the Services Need to Take Additional Steps to Improve Mobilization Data for the Reserve Components; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-06-134; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD Needs Action Plan to Address Enlisted Personnel Recruitment and Retention Challenges; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-1010; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD Needs an Oversight Framework and Standards to Improve Management of Its Casualty Assistance Programs; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-60; Product title: Military Personnel: Federal Management of Servicemember Employment Rights Can Be Further Improved; Recommendations Open: 7; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-642; Product title: Military Personnel: Military Departments Need to Ensure That Full Costs of Converting Military Health Care Positions to Civilian Positions Are Reported to Congress; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-540; Product title: Military Personnel: Progress Made in Implementing Recommendations to Reduce Domestic Violence, but Further Management Action Needed; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-06-105; Product title: Military Personnel: Top Management Attention Is Needed to Address Long-standing Problems with Determining Medical and Physical Fitness of the Reserve Force; Recommendations Open: 6; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-141; Product title: Military Readiness: DOD Needs to Identify and Address Gaps and Potential Risks in Program Strategies and Funding Priorities for Selected Equipment; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-84; Product title: Military Readiness: Navy's Fleet Response Plan Would Benefit from a Comprehensive Management Approach and Rigorous Testing; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-846; Product title: Military Recruiting: DOD and Services Need Better Data to Enhance Visibility over Recruiter Irregularities; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-06-193; Product title: Military Training: Funding Requests for Joint Urban Operations Training and Facilities Should Be Based on Sound Strategy and Requirements; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-06-802; Product title: Military Training: Management Actions Needed to Enhance DOD's Investment in the Joint National Training Capability; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-847; Product title: Military Transformation: Additional Actions Needed by U.S. Strategic Command to Strengthen Implementation of Its Many Missions and New Organization; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-397; Product title: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: DOD Needs to Identify the Factors Its Providers Use to Make Mental Health Evaluation Referrals for Servicemembers; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-172R; Product title: Potential Spectrum Interference Associated with Military Land Mobile Radios; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-111; Product title: Reserve Forces: Plans Needed to Improve Army National Guard Equipment Readiness and Better Integrate Guard into Army Force Transformation Initiatives; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-437; Product title: Security Assistance: State and DOD Need to Assess How the Foreign Military Financing Program for Egypt Achieves U.S. Foreign Policy and Security Goals; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-449; Product title: Space Acquisitions: DOD Needs a Departmentwide Strategy for Pursuing Low-Cost, Responsive Tactical Space Capabilities; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-537; Product title: Space Acquisitions: DOD Needs Additional Knowledge as it Embarks on a New Approach for Transformational Satellite Communications System; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-812; Product title: Special Operations Forces: Several Human Capital Challenges Must Be Addressed to Meet Expanded Role; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-455R; Product title: Tactical Aircraft: DOD Should Present a New F-22A Business Case before Making Further Investments; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-06-49; Product title: Unmanned Aircraft Systems: DOD Needs to More Effectively Promote Interoperability and Improve Performance Assessments; Recommendations Open: 9; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-222R; Product title: Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Global Hawk Cost Increase Understated in Nunn-McCurdy Report; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-447; Product title: Unmanned Aircraft Systems: New DOD Programs Can Learn from Past Efforts to Craft Better and Less Risky Acquisition Strategies; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-315; Product title: VA and DOD Health Care: Opportunities to Maximize Resource Sharing Remain; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-06-839; Product title: Weapons Acquisition: DOD Should Strengthen Policies for Assessing Technical Data Needs to Support Weapon Systems; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Fiscal year 2006 total: 393; Recommendations Open: 196; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 169; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 28. Source: GAO. [End of table] Table 8: Status of DOD Recommendations by Report, Fiscal Year 2007: Product number: GAO-07-790R; Product title: Armed Forces Retirement Home: Health Care Oversight Should Be Strengthened; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-891R; Product title: Aviation Security: Federal Coordination for Responding to In-flight Security Threats Has Matured, but Procedures Can Be Strengthened; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-388; Product title: Best Practices: An Integrated Portfolio Management Approach to Weapon System Investments Could Improve DOD's Acquisition Outcomes; Recommendations Open: 6; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-538; Product title: Business Systems Modernization: DOD Needs to Fully Define Policies and Procedures for Institutionally Managing Investments; Recommendations Open: 9; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-451; Product title: Business Systems Modernization: Strategy for Evolving DOD's Business Enterprise Architecture Offers a Conceptual Approach, but Execution Details Are Needed; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-143; Product title: Chemical and Biological Defense: Management Actions Are Needed to Close the Gap between Army Chemical Unit Preparedness and Stated National Priorities; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-113; Product title: Chemical and Biological Defense: Updated Intelligence, Clear Guidance, and Consistent Priorities Needed to Guide Investments in Collective Protection; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-240R; Product title: Chemical Demilitarization: Actions Needed to Improve the Reliability of the Army's Cost Comparison Analysis for Treatment and Disposal Options for Newport's VX Hydrolysate; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-200NI; Product title: Combating Terrorism: Improved Training and Guidance Needed to More Effectively Address Host Nation Support and Enhance DOD's Force Protection Efforts; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-151; Product title: Contract Management: Protégés Value DOD's Mentor-Protégé Program, but Annual Reporting to Congress Needs Improvement; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-367R; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Air Force Decision to Include a Passenger and Cargo Capability in Its Replacement Refueling Aircraft Was Made without Required Analyses; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-07-620; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: An Analysis of the Special Operations Command's Management of Weapon System Programs; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-759; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Analysis of Processes Used to Evaluate Active Protection Systems; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-115; Defense Acquisitions: Challenges Remain in Developing Capabilities for Naval Surface Fire Support; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-1058; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: DOD's Research and Development Budget Requests to Congress Do Not Provide Consistent, Complete, and Clear Information; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-578; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Greater Synergies Possible for DOD's Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Systems; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-376; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Key Decisions to Be Made on Future Combat System; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 5; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 7. Product number: GAO-07-387; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Missile Defense Acquisition Strategy Generates Results but Delivers Less at a Higher Cost; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-866; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Navy Faces Challenges Constructing the Aircraft Carrier Gerald R. Ford within Budget; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-07-380; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Role of Lead Systems Integrator on Future Combat Systems Program Poses Oversight Challenges; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-07-546; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Status and Challenges of Joint Forces Command's Limited Acquisition Authority; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 3. Product number: GAO-07-745; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Success of Advanced SEAL Delivery System Hinges on Establishing a Sound Contracting Strategy and Performance Criteria; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-20; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Tailored Approach Needed to Improve Service Acquisition Outcomes; Recommendations Open: 6; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-1072; Product title: Defense Business Transformation: Achieving Success Requires a Chief Management Officer to Provide Focus and Sustained Leadership; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-839; Product title: Defense Contract Management: DOD's Lack of Adherence to Key Contracting Principles on Iraq Oil Contract Put Government Interests at Risk; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-273; Product title: Defense Contracting: Improved Insight and Controls Needed over DOD's Time-and-Materials Contracts; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-559; Product title: Defense Contracting: Use of Undefinitized Contract Actions Understated and Definitization Time Frames Often Not Met; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-07-831; Product title: Defense Health Care: Comprehensive Oversight Framework Needed to Help Ensure Effective Implementation of a Deployment Health Quality Assurance Program; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-461; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Actions Needed to Guide DOD's Efforts to Identify, Prioritize, and Assess Its Critical Infrastructure; Recommendations Open: 8; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-1007; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Challenges Increase Risks for Providing Timely Infrastructure Support for Army Installations Expecting Substantial Personnel Growth; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-164; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Continuing Challenges in Managing DOD Lodging Programs as Army Moves to Privatize Its Program; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-1077; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Management Actions Needed to Ensure Effectiveness of DOD's Risk Management Approach for the Defense Industrial Base; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-281; Product title: Defense Inventory: Opportunities Exist to Improve the Management of DOD's Acquisition Lead Times for Spare Parts; Recommendations Open: 11; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-232; Product title: Defense Inventory: Opportunities Exist to Save Billions by Reducing Air Force's Unneeded Spare Parts Inventory; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-814; Product title: Defense Logistics: Army and Marine Corps Cannot Be Assured That Equipment Reset Strategies Will Sustain Equipment Availability While Meeting Ongoing Operational Requirements; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-807; Product title: Defense Logistics: Efforts to Improve Distribution and Supply Support for Joint Military Operations Could Benefit from a Coordinated Management Approach; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-144; Product title: Defense Logistics: Improved Oversight and Increased Coordination Needed to Ensure Viability of the Army's Prepositioning Strategy; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: -; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-396R; Product title: Defense Management: DLA Has Made Progress in Improving Prime Vendor Program, but Has Not Yet Completed All Corrective Actions; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: -; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-618; Product title: Defense Management: High-Level Leadership Commitment and Actions Are Needed to Address Corrosion Issues; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-1103; Product title: Defense Trade: Clarification and More Comprehensive Oversight of Export Exemptions Certified by DOD Are Needed; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-675R; Product title: Defense Transportation: DOD Has Taken Actions to Incorporate Lessons Learned in Transforming Its Freight Distribution System; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-671; Product title: Defense Transportation: DOD Needs a Comprehensive Approach to Planning for Implementing Its New Personal Property Program; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-126; Product title: Depot Maintenance: Actions Needed to Provide More Consistent Funding Allocation Data to Congress; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-88; Product title: Disaster Assistance: Better Planning Needed for Housing Victims of Catastrophic Disasters; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-554R; Product title: DOD and VA Outpatient Pharmacy Data: Computable Data Are Exchanged for Some Shared Patients, but Additional Steps Could Facilitate Exchanging These Data for All Shared Patients; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-733; Product title: DOD Business Systems Modernization: Progress Continues to Be Made in Establishing Corporate Management Controls, but Further Steps Are Needed; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-860; Product title: DOD Business Transformation: Lack of an Integrated Strategy Puts the Army's Asset Visibility System Investments at Risk; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-1029R; Product title: DOD is Making Progress in Adopting Best Practices for the Transformational Satellite Communications System and Space Radar but Still Faces Challenges; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-1048R; Product title: DOD Should Provide Congress and the American Public with Monthly Data on Enemy-Initiated Attacks in Iraq in a Timely Manner; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-234; Product title: DOD's High-Risk Areas: Progress Made Implementing Supply Chain Management Recommendations, but Full Extent of Improvement Unknown; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-774; Product title: Elections: Action Plans Needed to Fully Address Challenges in Electronic Absentee Voting Initiatives for Military and Overseas Citizens; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-854; Product title: Emergency Management Assistance Compact: Enhancing EMAC's Collaborative and Administrative Capacity Should Improve National Disaster Response; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-07-211; Product title: Force Structure: Joint Seabasing Would Benefit from a Comprehensive Management Approach and Rigorous Experimentation before Services Spend Billions on New Capabilities; Recommendations Open: 9; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-07-851; Product title: Human Capital: DOD Needs Better Internal Controls and Visibility over Costs for Implementing Its National Security Personnel System; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-205; Product title: Hurricane Katrina: Agency Contracting Data Should Be More Complete Regarding Subcontracting Opportunities for Small Businesses; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-696; Product title: Influenza Pandemic: DOD Combatant Commands' Preparedness Efforts Could Benefit from More Clearly Defined Roles, Resources, and Risk Mitigation; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-528; Product title: Information Security: Selected Departments Need to Address Challenges in Implementing Statutory Requirements; Recommendations Open: 6; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-51; Product title: Information Technology: DOD Needs to Ensure That Navy Marine Corps Intranet Program Is Meeting Goals and Satisfying Customers; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-360; Product title: Joint Strike Fighter: Progress Made and Challenges Remain; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-641; Product title: Military Base Closures: Management Strategy Needed to Mitigate Challenges and Improve Communication to Help Ensure Timely Implementation of Air National Guard Recommendations; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-166; Product title: Military Base Closures: Opportunities Exist to Improve Environmental Cleanup Cost Reporting and to Expedite Transfer of Unneeded Property; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-304; Product title: Military Base Closures: Projected Savings from Fleet Readiness Centers Likely Overstated and Actions Needed to Track Actual Savings and Overcome Certain Challenges; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-1040; Product title: Military Base Realignments and Closures: Plan Needed to Monitor Challenges for Completing More Than 100 Armed Forces Reserve Centers; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-647; Product title: Military Health Care: TRICARE Cost-Sharing Proposals Would Help Offset Increasing Health Care Spending, but Projected Savings Are Likely Overestimated; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-195; Product title: Military Health: Increased TRICARE Eligibility for Reservists Presents Educational Challenges; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-549; Product title: Military Operations: Actions Needed to Improve DOD's Stability Operations Approach and Enhance Interagency Planning; Recommendations Open: 7; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-145; Product title: Military Operations: High-Level DOD Action Needed to Address Long-standing Problems with Management and Oversight of Contractors Supporting Deployed Forces; Recommendations Open: 7; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-699; Product title: Military Operations: The Department of Defense's Use of Solatia and Condolence Payments in Iraq and Afghanistan; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-608; Product title: Military Pay: Processes for Retaining Injured Army National Guard and Reserve Soldiers on Active Duty Have Been Improved, but Some Challenges Remain; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-259; Product title: Military Personnel: Additional Actions Needed to Improve Oversight of Reserve Employment Issues; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-1138R; Product title: Military Personnel: Air National Guard Has Taken Steps to Improve the Reliability of Personnel Strength Data, but More Needs to Be Done; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-372R; Product title: Military Personnel: DMDC Data on Officers' Commissioning Programs is Insufficiently Reliable and Needs to be Corrected; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-780; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD Lacks Reliable Personnel Tempo Data and Needs Quality Controls to Improve Data Accuracy; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-828; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD Needs to Establish a Strategy and Improve Transparency over Reserve and National Guard Compensation to Manage Significant Growth in Cost; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-93; Military Personnel: Reserve Components Need Product title: Guidance to Accurately and Consistently Account for Volunteers on Active Duty for Operational Support; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-224; Product title: Military Personnel: Strategic Plan Needed to Address Army's Emerging Officer Accession and Retention Challenges; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-936; Product title: Military Training: Actions Needed to More Fully Develop the Army's Strategy for Training Modular Brigades and Address Implementation Challenges; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 6; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-430; Product title: Missile Defense: Actions Needed to Improve Information for Supporting Future Key Decisions for Boost and Ascent Phase Elements; Recommendations Open: 6; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-643; Product title: Navy Working Capital Fund: Management Action Needed to Improve Reliability of the Naval Air Warfare Center's Reported Carryover Amounts; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-444; Product title: Operation Iraqi Freedom: DOD Should Apply Lessons Learned Concerning the Need for Security over Conventional Munitions Storage Sites to Future Operations Planning; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-498; Product title: Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellites: Restructuring Is Under Way, but Technical Challenges and Risks Remain; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-07-709; Product title: Quadrennial Defense Review: Future Reviews Could Benefit from Improved Department of Defense Analyses and Changes to Legislative Requirements; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-60; Product title: Reserve Forces: Actions Needed to Identify National Guard Domestic Equipment Requirements and Readiness; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-07-1195; Product title: Securing, Stabilizing, and Rebuilding Iraq: Iraqi Government Has Not Met Most Legislative, Security, and Economic Benchmarks; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-520; Product title: South Florida Ecosystem: Restoration Is Moving Forward but Is Facing Significant Delays, Implementation Challenges, and Rising Costs; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-96; Product title: Space Acquisitions: DOD Needs to Take More Action to Address Unrealistic Initial Cost Estimates of Space Systems; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 1. Product number: GAO-07-1088R; Product title: Space Based Infrared System High Program and its Alternative; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-1030; Product title: Special Operations Forces: Management Actions Are Needed to Effectively Integrate Marine Corps Forces into the U.S. Special Operations Command; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-711; Product title: Stabilizing Iraq: DOD Cannot Ensure That U.S.-Funded Equipment Has Reached Iraqi Security Forces; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-415; Product title: Tactical Aircraft: DOD Needs a Joint and Integrated Investment Strategy; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-904; Product title: U.S. Public Diplomacy: Actions Needed to Improve Strategic Use and Coordination of Research; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-836; Product title: Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Advance Coordination and Increased Visibility Needed to Optimize Capabilities; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-1094; Product title: Water Resources: Four Federal Agencies Provide Funding for Rural Water Supply and Wastewater Projects; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-07-478; Product title: Waters and Wetlands: Corps of Engineers Needs to Ensure That Permit Decisions Made Using Funds from Nonfederal Public Entities Are Transparent and Impartial; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Fiscal year 2007 total: 313; Recommendations Open: 212; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 77; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 24. Source: GAO. [End of table] Table 9: Status of DOD Recommendations by Report, Fiscal Year 2008: Product number: GAO-08-689; Product title: Afghanistan Reconstruction: Progress Made in Constructing Roads, but Assessments for Determining Impact and a Sustainable Maintenance Program Are Needed; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-991T; Product title: Air Force Procurement: Aerial Refueling Tanker Protest; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-288; Product title: Army Corps of Engineers: Known Performance Issues with New Orleans Drainage Canal Pumps Have Been Addressed, but Guidance on Future Contracts Is Needed; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-714; Product title: Army Working Capital Fund: Actions Needed to Reduce Carryover at Army Depots; Recommendations Open: 8; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-740; Product title: Ballistic Missile Defense: Actions Needed to Improve Process for Identifying and Addressing Combatant Command Priorities; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-294; Product title: Best Practices: Increased Focus on Requirements and Oversight Needed to Improve DOD's Acquisition Environment and Weapon System Quality; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-52; Product title: Business Systems Modernization: Air Force Needs to Fully Define Policies and Procedures for Institutionally Managing Investments; Recommendations Open: 11; Recommendations Closed-implemented:0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-53; Product title: Business Systems Modernization: Department of the Navy Needs to Establish Management Structure and Fully Define Policies and Procedures for Institutionally Managing Investments; Recommendations Open: 12; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-366; Product title: Chemical and Biological Defense: DOD and VA Need to Improve Efforts to Identify and Notify Individuals Potentially Exposed during Chemical and Biological Tests; Recommendations Open: 6; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-134; Product title: Chemical Demilitarization: Additional Management Actions Needed to Meet Key Performance Goals of DOD's Chemical Demilitarization Program; Recommendations Open: 13; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-860; Product title: Combating Terrorism: Actions Needed to Enhance Implementation of Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-806; Product title: Combating Terrorism: Increased Oversight and Accountability Needed over Pakistan Reimbursement Claims for Coalition Support Funds; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 4; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-408; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: 2009 Is a Critical Juncture for the Army's Future Combat System; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 5. Product number: GAO-08-619; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: A Knowledge-Based Funding Approach Could Improve Major Weapon System Program Outcomes; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-804; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Cost to Deliver Zumwalt-Class Destroyers Likely to Exceed Budget; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-877; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Department of Defense Needs Framework for Balancing Investments in Tactical Radios; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-91; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Departmentwide Direction Is Needed for Implementation of the Anti-tamper Policy; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-298; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: DOD's Practices and Processes for Multiyear Procurement Should Be Improved; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-1060; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: DOD's Requirements Determination Process Has Not Been Effective in Prioritizing Joint Capabilities; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-13; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Overcoming Challenges Key to Capitalizing on Mine Countermeasures Capabilities; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-448; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Progress Made in Fielding Missile Defense, but Program Is Short of Meeting Goals; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-409; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Significant Challenges Ahead in Developing and Demonstrating Future Combat System's Network and Software; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-08-1113; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Sound Business Case Needed to Implement Missile Defense Agency's Targets Program; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-379; Product title: Defense Acquisitions: Termination Costs Are Generally Not a Compelling Reason to Continue Programs or Contracts That Otherwise Warrant Ending; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-982; Product title: Defense Budget: Independent Review Is Needed to Ensure DOD's Use of Cost Estimating Tool for Contingency Operations Follows Best Practices; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-169; Product title: Defense Contracting: Additional Personal Conflict of Interest Safeguards Needed for Certain DOD Contractor Employees; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-360; Product title: Defense Contracting: Army Case Study Delineates Concerns with Use of Contractors as Contract Specialists; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-269; Product title: Defense Contracting: Contract Risk a Key Factor in Assessing Excessive Pass-Through Charges; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-485; Product title: Defense Contracting: Post-Government Employment of Former DOD Officials Needs Greater Transparency; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-851; Defense Critical Infrastructure: Adherence to Guidance Would Improve DOD's Approach to Identifying and Assuring the Availability of Critical Transportation Assets; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-373R; Product title: Defense Critical Infrastructure: DOD's Risk Analysis of Its Critical Infrastructure Omits Highly Sensitive Assets; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-122; Product title: Defense Health Care: DOD Needs to Address the Expected Benefits, Costs, and Risks for Its Newly Approved Medical Command Structure; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-502; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Continued Management Attention Is Needed to Support Installation Facilities and Operations; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-665; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: High-Level Leadership Needed to Help Communities Address Challenges Caused by DOD-Related Growth; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-1054R; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: NORAD and; USNORTHCOM Need to Reevaluate Vulnerabilities Associated with Moving the NORAD Command Center from Cheyenne Mountain to Peterson Air Force Base, and to Acknowledge Acceptance of the Risks; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-1005; Product title: Defense Infrastructure: Opportunity to Improve the Timeliness of Future Overseas Planning Reports and Factors Affecting the Master Planning Effort for the Military Buildup on Guam; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-427; Product title: Defense Logistics: Navy Needs to Develop and Implement a Plan to Ensure That Voyage Repairs Are Available to Ships Operating near Guam when Needed; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-316R; Product title: Defense Logistics: The Army Needs to Implement an Effective Management and Oversight Plan for the Equipment Maintenance Contract in Kuwait; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-1065; Product title: Defense Management: DOD Needs to Establish Clear Goals and Objectives, Guidance, and a Designated Budget to Manage Its Biometrics Activities; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-342; Product title: Defense Management: More Transparency Needed over the Financial and Human Capital Operations of the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization; Recommendations Open: 6; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-426; Product title: Defense Management: Overarching Organizational Framework Needed to Guide and Oversee Energy Reduction Efforts for Military Operations; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-831; Product title: Defense Space Activities: DOD Needs to Further Clarify the Operationally Responsive Space Concept and Plan to Integrate and Support Future Satellites; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-704R; Product title: Defense Transportation: DOD Should Ensure that the Final Size and Mix of Airlift Force Study Plan Includes Sufficient Detail to Meet the Terms of the Law and Inform Decision Makers; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-444R; Product title: Defense Travel System: Validity of Travel Payments Statistical Sampling in Question; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-896; Product title: DOD Business Systems Modernization: Important Management Controls Being Implemented on Major Navy Program, but Improvements Needed in Key Areas; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-822; Product title: DOD Business Systems Modernization: Key Marine Corps System Acquisition Needs to Be Better Justified, Defined, and Managed; Recommendations Open: 6; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-972; Product title: DOD Business Systems Modernization: Key Navy Programs' Compliance with DOD's Federated Business Enterprise Architecture Needs to Be Adequately Demonstrated; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-519; Product title: DOD Business Systems Modernization: Military Departments Need to Strengthen Management of Enterprise Architecture Programs; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-922; Product title: DOD Business Systems Modernization: Planned Investment in Navy Program to Create Cashless Shipboard Environment Needs to Be Justified and Better Managed; Recommendations Open: 12; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-866; Product title: DOD Business Transformation: Air Force's Current Approach Increases Risk That Asset Visibility Goals and Transformation Priorities Will Not Be Achieved; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-1063; Product title: DOD Financial Management: Improvements Are Needed in Antideficiency Act Controls and Investigations; Recommendations Open: 6; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. DOD Health Care: Mental Health and Traumatic Brain Injury Screening Product title: Efforts Implemented, but Consistent Pre-Deployment Medical Record Review Policies Needed; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-350; Product title: DOD Personnel Clearances: Improved Annual Reporting Would Enable More Informed Congressional Oversight; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-327; Product title: DOD Pharmacy Program: Continued Efforts Needed to Reduce Growth in Spending at Retail Pharmacies; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-70; Product title: DOD Schools: Additional Reporting Could Improve Accountability for Academic Achievement of Students with Dyslexia; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-927R; Product title: DOD Systems Modernization: Maintaining Effective Communication Is Needed to Help Ensure the Army's Successful Deployment of the Defense Integrated Military Human Resources System; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-16; Product title: DOD Travel Improper Payments: Fiscal Year 2006 Reporting Was Incomplete and Planned Improvement Efforts Face Challenges; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-954; Product title: Electronic Health Records: DOD and VA Have Increased Their Sharing of Health Information, but More Work Remains; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-518; Product title: Environmental Satellites: Polar-orbiting Satellite Acquisition Faces Delays; Decisions Needed on Whether and How to Ensure Climate Data Continuity; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-349; Product title: Federal Real Property: Corps of Engineers Needs to Improve the Reliability of Its Real Property Disposal Data; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-321; Product title: Federal User Fees: Substantive Reviews Needed to Align Port-Related Fees with the Programs They Support; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-145; Product title: Force Structure: Better Management Controls Are Needed to Oversee the Army's Modular Force and Expansion Initiatives and Improve Accountability for Results; Recommendations Open: 6; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-418; Product title: Force Structure: Ship Rotational Crewing Initiatives Would Benefit from Top-Level Leadership, Navy-wide Guidance, Comprehensive Analysis, and Improved Lessons-Learned Sharing; Recommendations Open: 8; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-354R; Product title: Force Structure”Need for Greater Transparency for the Army's Grow the Force Initiative Funding Plan; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-68; Product title: Global War on Terrorism: DOD Needs to Take Action to Encourage Fiscal Discipline and Optimize the Use of Tools Intended to Improve GWOT Cost Reporting; Recommendations Open: 11; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-252; Product title: Homeland Defense: Steps Have Been Taken to Improve U.S. Northern Command's Coordination with States and the National Guard Bureau, but Gaps Remain; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-251; Product title: Homeland Defense: U.S. Northern Command Has Made Progress but Needs to Address Force Allocation, Readiness Tracking Gaps, and Other Issues; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-311; Product title: Homeland Security: Enhanced National Guard Readiness for Civil Support Missions May Depend on DOD's Implementation of the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-596; Product title: Human Capital: Corps of Engineers Needs to Update Its Workforce Planning Process to More Effectively Address Its Current and Future Workforce Needs; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-773; Product title: Human Capital: DOD Needs to Improve Implementation of and Address Employee Concerns about Its National Security Personnel System; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-10R; Product title: Improvement Continues in DOD's Reporting on Sustainable Ranges, but Opportunities Exist to Improve Its Range Assessments and Comprehensive Plan; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-374; Product title: Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance: DOD Can Better Assess and Integrate ISR Capabilities and Oversee Development of Future ISR Requirements; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-08-388; Product title: Joint Strike Fighter: Recent Decisions by DOD Add to Program Risks; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 2; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-159; Product title: Military Base Realignments and Closures: Cost Estimates Have Increased and Are Likely to Continue to Evolve; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-315; Product title: Military Base Realignments and Closures: Higher Costs and Lower Savings Projected for Implementing Two Key Supply-Related BRAC Recommendations; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-20; Product title: Military Base Realignments and Closures: Impact of Terminating, Relocating, or Outsourcing the Services of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-1137; Product title: Military Disability System: Increased Supports for Servicemembers and Better Pilot Planning Could Improve the Disability Evaluation Process; Recommendations Open: 7; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-104; Product title: Military Health Care: Cost Data Indicate That TRICARE Reserve Select Premiums Exceeded the Costs of Providing Program Benefits; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-736R; Product title: Military Operations: Actions Needed to Better Guide Project Selection for Commander's Emergency Response Program and Improve Oversight in Iraq; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 3; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-1087; Product title: Military Operations: DOD Needs to Address Contract Oversight and Quality Assurance Issues for Contracts Used to Support Contingency Operations; Recommendations Open: 4; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-546; Product title: Military Personnel: Army Needs to Better Enforce Requirements and Improve Record Keeping for Soldiers Whose Medical Conditions May Call for Significant Duty Limitations; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-612R; Product title: Military Personnel: Better Debt Management Procedures and Resolution of Stipend Recoupment Issues Are Needed for Improved Collection of Medical Education Debts; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-924; Product title: Military Personnel: DOD's and the Coast Guard's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Programs Face Implementation and Oversight Challenges; Recommendations Open: 9; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-1037R; Product title: Military Personnel: Evaluation Methods Linked to Anticipated Outcomes Needed to Inform Decisions on Army Recruitment Incentives; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-370R; Product title: Military Personnel: Guidance Needed for Any Future Conversions of Military Medical Positions to Civilian Positions; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-981R; Product title: Military Personnel: Improvements Needed to Increase Effectiveness of DOD's Programs to Promote Positive Working Relationships between Reservists and Their Employers; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-296; Product title: Military Personnel: The DOD and Coast Guard Academies Have Taken Steps to Address Incidents of Sexual Harassment and Assault, but Greater Federal Oversight Is Needed; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-670; Product title: Military Readiness: Joint Policy Needed to Better Manage the Training and Use of Certain Forces to Meet Operational Demands; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-264; Product title: Military Readiness: Navy Is Making Progress Implementing Its Fleet Response Plan, but Has Not Fully Developed Goals, Measures, and Resource Needs; Recommendations Open: 5; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-407; Product title: Military Training: Compliance with Environmental Laws Affects Some Training Activities, but DOD Has Not Made a Sound Business Case for Additional Environmental Exemptions; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 1; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-325; Product title: Military Transformation: DOD Needs to Strengthen Implementation of Its Global Strike Concept and Provide a Comprehensive Investment Approach for Acquiring Needed Capabilities; Recommendations Open: 8; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-1068; Product title: Missile Defense: Actions Needed to Improve Planning and Cost Estimates for Long-Term Support of Ballistic Missile Defense; Recommendations Open: 6; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-1165R; Product title: NATO Enlargement: Reports on Albania and Croatia Respond to Senate Requirements, but Analysis of Financial Burdens Is Incomplete; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-930; Product title: Operation Iraqi Freedom: Actions Needed to Enhance DOD Planning for Reposturing of U.S. Forces from Iraq; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-143R; Product title: Operation Iraqi Freedom: DOD Assessment of Iraqi Security Forces' Units as Independent Not Clear Because ISF Support Capabilities Are Not Fully Developed; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-603; Product title: Privacy: Agencies Should Ensure That Designated Senior Officials Have Oversight of Key Functions; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-88; Product title: Project Bioshield: Actions Needed to Avoid Repeating Past Problems with Procuring New Anthrax Vaccine and Managing the Stockpile of Licensed Vaccine; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-966; Product title: Rebuilding Iraq: DOD and State Department Have Improved Oversight and Coordination of Private Security Contractors in Iraq, but Further Actions Are Needed to Sustain Improvements; Recommendations Open: 2; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-1021T; Product title: Securing, Stabilizing, and Rebuilding Iraq: Progress Report: Some Gains Made, Updated Strategy Needed; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-837; Product title: Securing, Stabilizing, and Rebuilding Iraq: Progress Report: Some Gains Made, Updated Strategy Needed; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-516; Product title: Space Acquisitions: DOD Is Making Progress to Rapidly Deliver Low Cost Space Capabilities, but Challenges Remain; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-1073; Product title: Space Acquisitions: DOD's Goals for Resolving Space Based Infrared System Software Problems Are Ambitious; Recommendations Open: 0; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 2. Product number: GAO-08-1039; Product title: Space Acquisitions: Uncertainties in the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle Program Pose Management and Oversight Challenges; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-23; Product title: State Department: Evacuation Planning and Preparations for Overseas Posts Can Be Improved; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-439R; Product title: The Department of Defense's Civilian Human Capital Strategic Plan Does Not Meet Most Statutory Requirements; Recommendations Open: 1; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Product number: GAO-08-901; Product title: Veterans' Disability Benefits: Better Accountability and Access Would Improve the Benefits Delivery at Discharge Program; Recommendations Open: 3; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 0; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 0. Fiscal year 2008 total: 381; Recommendations Open: 352; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 18; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 11. Fiscal years 2001-2008 grand total: 3,099; Recommendations Open: 841; Recommendations Closed-implemented: 11,878; Recommendations Closed”not implemented: 380. Source: GAO. [End of table] [End of section] Enclosure II: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: GAO Contact: Jack E. Edwards, (202) 512-8246 or Staff Acknowledgments: In addition to the contact named above, Ann Borseth, Assistant Director; Joseph Rutecki; R. Bruce Brown; George Breen, Jr.; Carlos Diz; Charles Perdue; Michael Willems; and Grace Coleman made key contributions to this report. [End of section] Footnotes: [1] S. Con. Res. 13, § 502 (7) (2009). [2] This number does not include classified GAO reports issued during this time frame. It also does not include GAO reports issued with no recommendations. [3] 31 U.S.C. 720. [4] GAO, United States Government Accountability Office: Performance and Accountability Report, Fiscal Year 2009, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: Nov. 13, 2009). [5] Pub. L. No. 103-62 (1993). [6] To view this public report, go to [hyperlink,]. [End of section] GAO's Mission: The Government Accountability Office, the audit, evaluation and investigative arm of Congress, exists to support Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and to help improve the performance and accountability of the federal government for the American people. GAO examines the use of public funds; evaluates federal programs and policies; and provides analyses, recommendations, and other assistance to help Congress make informed oversight, policy, and funding decisions. GAO's commitment to good government is reflected in its core values of accountability, integrity, and reliability. Obtaining Copies of GAO Reports and Testimony: The fastest and easiest way to obtain copies of GAO documents at no cost is through GAO's Web site [hyperlink,]. Each weekday, GAO posts newly released reports, testimony, and correspondence on its Web site. To have GAO e-mail you a list of newly posted products every afternoon, go to [hyperlink,] and select "E-mail Updates." Order by Phone: The price of each GAO publication reflects GAO‘s actual cost of production and distribution and depends on the number of pages in the publication and whether the publication is printed in color or black and white. Pricing and ordering information is posted on GAO‘s Web site, [hyperlink,]. Place orders by calling (202) 512-6000, toll free (866) 801-7077, or TDD (202) 512-2537. Orders may be paid for using American Express, Discover Card, MasterCard, Visa, check, or money order. Call for additional information. To Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in Federal Programs: Contact: Web site: [hyperlink,]: E-mail: Automated answering system: (800) 424-5454 or (202) 512-7470: Congressional Relations: Ralph Dawn, Managing Director, (202) 512-4400: U.S. Government Accountability Office: 441 G Street NW, Room 7125: Washington, D.C. 20548: Public Affairs: Chuck Young, Managing Director, (202) 512-4800: U.S. Government Accountability Office: 441 G Street NW, Room 7149: Washington, D.C. 20548:

The Justia Government Accountability Office site republishes public reports retrieved from the U.S. GAO These reports should not be considered official, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Justia.