Department of Defense Reports for February 2011
- GAO-11-331T - Contract Audits (2011-02-01)
Role in Helping Ensure Effective Oversight and Reducing Improper Payments - GAO-11-265 - Electronic Health Records (2011-02-02)
DOD and VA Should Remove Barriers and Improve Efforts to Meet Their Common System Needs - GAO-11-131 - Defense Management (2011-02-03)
Additional Cost Information and Stakeholder Input Needed to Assess Military Posture in Europe - GAO-11-163 - Military Personnel (2011-02-10)
DOD Addressing Challenges in Iraq and Afghanistan but Opportunities Exist to Enhance the Planning Process for Army Medical Personnel Requirements - GAO-11-274R - Depot Maintenance (2011-02-11)
Air Force Is Assessing Engine Maintenance Options for Work Currently Performed at Kelly Aviation Center - GAO-11-156R - Accountability for U.S. Equipment Provided to Pakistani Security Forces in the Western Frontier Needs to Be Improved (2011-02-15)
- GAO-11-160R - DOD Health Care (2011-02-16)
Prohibition on Financial Incentives That May Influence Health Insurance Choices for Retirees and Their Dependents under Age 65 - GAO-11-323R - Tactical Aircraft (2011-02-24)
Air Force Fighter Reports Generally Addressed Congressional Mandates, but Reflected Dated Plans and Guidance, and Limited Analyses - GAO-11-219 - Defense Health (2011-02-28)
Management Weaknesses at Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury Require Attention