Department of Defense Reports for April 2011
- GAO-11-488R - Military Base Realignments and Closures (2011-04-01)
Review of the Iowa and Milan Army Ammunition Plants - GAO-11-332 - Defense Acquisitions (2011-04-04)
CH-53K Helicopter Program Has Addressed Early Difficulties and Adopted Strategies to Address Future Risks - GAO-11-206 - Defense Infrastructure (2011-04-05)
The Navy Needs Better Documentation to Support Its Proposed Military Treatment Facilities on Guam - GAO-11-520T - Federal Real Property (2011-04-06)
Progress Made on Planning and Data, but Unneeded Owned and Leased Facilities Remain - GAO-11-325 - Joint Strike Fighter (2011-04-07)
Restructuring Places Program on Firmer Footing, but Progress Still Lags - GAO-11-490R - Defense Management (2011-04-13)
The Department of Defense's Fiscal Year 2012 Corrosion Prevention and Control Budget Request - GAO-11-555T - Missile Defense (2011-04-13)
Actions Needed to Improve Transparency and Accountability - GAO-11-266R - Defense Infrastructure (2011-04-20)
DOD Used Available Guidance in Its Decision to Discontinue Commissary Operations at NAS Brunswick, but Criteria Needs Clarification - GAO-11-580 - Contingency Contracting (2011-04-25)
Observations on Actions Needed to Address Systemic Challenges - GAO-11-402R - Multiple U.S. Agencies Provided Billions of Dollars to Train and Equip Foreign Police Forces (2011-04-27)
- GAO-11-524R - Performance Management (2011-04-28)
DOD Is Terminating the National Security Personnel System, but Needs a Strategic Plan to Guide Its Design of a New System