Department of Defense Reports for May 2011
- GAO-11-387 - Nuclear Weapons (2011-05-02)
DOD and NNSA Need to Better Manage Scope of Future Refurbishments and Risks to Maintaining U.S. Commitments to NATO - GAO-11-633T - Military and Veterans Disability System (2011-05-04)
Worldwide Deployment of Integrated System Warrants Careful Monitoring - GAO-11-469 - Defense Acquisition (2011-05-11)
DOD Should Clarify Requirements for Assessing and Documenting Technical-Data Needs - GAO-11-663T - Information Technology (2011-05-11)
Department of Veterans Affairs Faces Ongoing Management Challenges - GAO-11-590T - Space Acquisitions (2011-05-11)
DOD Delivering New Generations of Satellites, but Space System Acquisition Challenges Remain - GAO-11-572T - Federal Recovery Coordination Program (2011-05-13)
Enrollment, Staffing, and Care Coordination Pose Significant Challenges - GAO-11-462 - Military Housing (2011-05-16)
Enhancements Needed to Housing Allowance Process and Information Sharing among Services - GAO-11-647 - Warfighter Support (2011-05-16)
Improved Joint Oversight and Reporting on DOD's Prepositioning Programs May Increase Efficiencies - GAO-11-677T - Joint Strike Fighter (2011-05-19)
Restructuring Places Program on Firmer Footing, but Progress Is Still Lagging - GAO-11-421 - Defense Department Cyber Efforts (2011-05-20)
More Detailed Guidance Needed to Ensure Military Services Develop Appropriate Cyberspace Capabilities - GAO-11-527R - Defense Management (2011-05-20)
Perspectives on the Involvement of the Combatant Commands in the Development of Joint Requirements - GAO-11-578R - Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices (2011-05-20)
Most Initiatives Supported by the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization Have Limited Applicability to Humanitarian Demining - GAO-11-316 - Defense Management (2011-05-25)
Comprehensive Cost Information and Analysis of Alternatives Needed to Assess Military Posture in Asia - GAO-11-635T - Opportunities to Reduce Potential Duplication in Government Programs, Save Tax Dollars, and Enhance Revenue (2011-05-25)
- GAO-11-456 - Military Training (2011-05-26)
Actions Needed to Improve Planning and Coordination of Army and Marine Corps Language and Culture Training - GAO-11-545 - Space Acquisitions (2011-05-27)
Development and Oversight Challenges in Delivering Improved Space Situational Awareness Capabilities