Department of Education Reports for November 1980
- PAD-80-49 - Requirements for Recurring Reports to the Congress (1980-11-01)
- B-200769 - Question Concerning Whether Funds Available Under Career Education Incentive Act Were Illegally Rescinded (1980-11-07)
- HRD-81-3 - The National Institute of Education Should Further Increase Minority and Female Participation in Its Activities (1980-11-10)
- HRD-81-22 - Social Security Administration's Beneficiary Rehabilitation Program (1980-11-10)
- 113894 - Improving the Collection of Debts Owed the Government (1980-11-20)
- HRD-81-32 - Policies on U.S. Citizens Studying Medicine Abroad Need Review and Reappraisal (1980-11-21)
- 113835 - U.S. Citizens Attending Foreign Medical Schools (1980-11-21)