Guaranteed Student Loans

Lenders' Interest Billings Often Result in Overpayments Gao ID: HRD-88-72 August 31, 1988

GAO reviewed lenders' billings under the Guaranteed Student Loan Program to determine whether the Department of Education was incurring excessive costs related to its payment of interest and special-allowance subsidies, focusing on the extent to which: (1) lenders erred in billing Education for interest and special-allowance payments; (2) lender billing errors resulted in federal overpayments; and (3) Education established adequate procedures to detect billing errors and prevent overpayments.

GAO found that, from its review of 16 lenders' accounts over one quarterly billing period: (1) all 16 lenders submitted erroneous billings to Education, resulting in a net overpayment of at least $1.8 million; (2) 18 percent of loan accounts were erroneous or lacked adequate documentation to support the billed amount; (3) errors typically resulted from lenders miscalculating loan principal balances and interest subsidies or continuing to bill Education after borrowers began repaying; and (4) three of the lenders voluntarily repaid Education for overbillings. GAO found that Education: (1) relied on lenders to maintain current and complete loan files, submit accurate billings, and make adjustments promptly; (2) required only summary information from lenders regarding bills, since supporting documentation was too voluminous for it to validate; (3) limited its verification of bills to checking mathematical accuracy and completeness; (4) conducted fewer than 500 on-site reviews of the 14,000 participating lenders in 1986; and (5) charged lenders interest on overbillings from the date it notified lenders of the error, but lacked authority to charge interest from the date of the actual overpayments.


Our recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Open," "Closed - implemented," or "Closed - not implemented" based on our follow up work.

Director: Team: Phone:

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