School Facilities
America's Schools Not Designed or Equipped for 21st Century Gao ID: HEHS-95-95 April 4, 1995In educating America's children for an increasingly technological world, schools must have the equipment and infrastructure, such as computers, in place before technology can be fully integrated into the curriculum. GAO surveyed about 10,000 schools across the country and visited 10 school districts. GAO found that overall the nation's schools are not even close to meeting their basic technology needs. Most schools do not use modern technology, and not all students have equal access to facilities that can support education into the 21st century, even those attending school in the same district. GAO summarized this report in testimony before Congress; see: Technology: America's Schools Not Designed or Equipped for 21st Century, by Linda G. Morra, Director of Education and Employment Issues, before the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, Senate Committee on Appropriations. GAO/T-HEHS-95-127, Apr. 4, 1995 (22 pages).
GAO found that: (1) most schools are unprepared for the 21st century; (2) at least three-quarters of schools have sufficient computers and televisions, although they do not have the infrastructure to fully use these technologies; (3) one-third of schools with sufficient computers are not networked, limiting their access to available electronic information; (4) about 40 percent of schools cannot adequately meet the functional requirements for laboratory science or large-group instruction; (5) about 54 percent of schools have unsatisfactory instructional space to implement effective teaching strategies; (6) schools in the same district often differ because the construction of new facilities takes precedent over maintaining and renovating existing facilities; (7) air-conditioning is necessary for schools to operate effectively in hot weather or use computers; (8) the majority of schools with air-conditioning are satisfied with its quality, although only about 50 percent of schools have air-conditioning in classrooms; and (9) schools in central cities or schools with minority populations of over 50 percent are more likely than others to have insufficient technology elements and unsatisfactory environmental conditions.