Department of Education Reports for June 2003
- GAO-03-691 - Flexibility Demonstration Programs (2003-06-09)
Education Needs to Better Target Program Information - GAO-03-885R - Response to the Department of Education's Request to Reconsider the High-Risk Designation of Federal Student Aid Programs (2003-06-09)
- GAO-03-872T - Department of Education (2003-06-10)
Status of Efforts to Address Major Management Challenges - GAO-03-922T - Federal Budget (2003-06-18)
Opportunities for Oversight and Improved Use of Taxpayer Funds - GAO-03-884T - Workforce Investment Act (2003-06-18)
Exemplary One-Stops Devised Strategies to Strengthen Services, but Challenges Remain for Reauthorization - GAO-03-725 - Workforce Investment Act (2003-06-18)
One-Stop Centers Implemented Strategies to Strengthen Services and Partnerships, but More Research and Information Sharing is Needed - GAO-03-697 - Transportation-Disadvantaged Populations (2003-06-30)
Some Coordination Efforts Among Programs Providing Transportation Services, but Obstacles Persist