Department of Education Reports for July 2010
- GAO-10-746R - GAO Review of LEA Controls over and Uses of Recovery Act Education Funds (Avery County Schools) (2010-07-09)
- GAO-10-747R - GAO Review of LEA Controls over and Uses of Recovery Act Education Funds (Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools) (2010-07-09)
- GAO-10-668 - Federal Student Loan Programs (2010-07-21)
Opportunities Exist to Improve Audit Requirements and Oversight Procedures - GAO-10-644 - Department of Education (2010-07-23)
Improved Dissemination and Timely Product Release Would Enhance the Usefulness of the What Works Clearinghouse - GAO-10-807 - Recovery Act (2010-07-30)
States Could Provide More Information on Education Programs to Enhance the Public's Understanding of Fund Use