Department of Energy Reports for July 1978
- EMD-78-47 - The Advance Payment Program (1978-07-10)
An Uncontrolled Experiment - PSAD-78-129 - Status of the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor Project (1978-07-10)
- 106500 - The Department of Energy's Nuclear Powerplant Siting and Licensing Bill (1978-07-10)
- EMD-78-32 - Inaccurate Estimates of Western Coal Reserves Should Be Corrected (1978-07-11)
- 095400 - The Department of Energy's Nuclear Powerplant Siting and Licensing Bill (1978-07-12)
- 106501 - The Department of Energy's Nuclear Powerplant Siting and Licensing Bill (1978-07-12)
- EMD-78-94 - Major Unresolved Issues Preventing a Timely Resolution to Radioactive Waste Disposal (1978-07-13)
- ID-78-17 - Need To Improve Regulatory Review Process for Liquefied Natural Gas Imports (1978-07-14)
- EMD-78-87 - Possible Improprieties in the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Revision of Its Minimum Property Standards (1978-07-18)
- EMD-78-79 - Impact of the Present and Future Energy Situation on Rural Economic Growth and Development (1978-07-18)
- EMD-78-78 - Effects of Alaskan North Slope Crude Oil and Continued Crude Oil Production at Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve (1978-07-19)
- EMD-78-97 - An Evaluation of Federal Support of the Barnwell Reprocessing Plant and the Department of Energy's Spent Fuel Storage Policy (1978-07-20)
- 095394 - The Department of Energy's Nuclear Powerplant Siting and Licensing Bill (1978-07-20)
- EMD-78-89 - The Department of Energy's Development of a 10-Year Plan for Federal Buildings (1978-07-20)
- 106502 - Nuclear Waste Management and Spent Fuel Storage (1978-07-25)
- LCD-78-120 - Government Field Offices Should Better Implement the Freedom of Information Act (1978-07-25)
- EMD-78-95 - Improvements Needed in the Department of Energy's Efforts To Develop a Financial Reporting System (1978-07-31)
- EMD-78-28 - Liquefied Energy Gases Safety, Volumes 1, 2, and 3 (1978-07-31)