Department of Energy Small Business Procurement Practices
Gao ID: 110922 November 8, 1979A GAO report dealing with the problems applicable to the Department of Energy's (DOE) overall efforts to encourage small business contracting was discussed. While DOE had taken several actions to foster small business procurement, it was noted that: DOE goals for awarding contracts to small businesses appeared to be based on incomplete information; guidance for maximizing small business contract awards was insufficient; information necessary to monitor and evaluate efforts to maximize small business awards was lacking; and DOE's office responsible for maximizing participation of small business in DOE programs lacked the needed independence that the Congress mandated. The Small Business Act, as amended, established an office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization in each Federal agency with procurement authority to ensure maximum small business participation. DOE had not fully complied with the legal requirements at the time the report was issued. With respect to the specific recommendations of the report, DOE stated that corrective action had been taken to improve goal setting and provide technical advisors for the Small Business representative, and no additional action is needed on the remaining recommendations concerning goals and technical advisors. At the time of the review, the existing procedures were not providing the necessary guidance to ensure maximum small business participation.