Department of Energy Reports for March 1981
- EMD-81-35 - The Effects of Regulation on the Electric Utility Industry (1981-03-02)
- EMD-81-6 - The Nation's Unused Wood Offers Vast Potential Energy and Product Benefits (1981-03-03)
- EMD-81-17 - Low Productivity in American Coal Mining (1981-03-03)
Causes and Cures - OPP-81-2 - Comments on the President's February 18, 1981, Budget Proposals and Additional Cost-Saving Measures (1981-03-03)
- PAD-81-30 - Review of Programs for Reimbursement for Public Participation in Federal Rulemaking Proceedings (1981-03-04)
- EMD-81-57 - DOE Reorganization of Energy Contingency Planning Holds Promise--But Questions Remain (1981-03-04)
- 114586 - Residential Energy Conservation Outreach Activities and the Energy Extension Service (1981-03-13)
- EMD-81-64 - Status of the Great Plains Coal Gasification Plant (1981-03-16)
- 114628 - Strategic Petroleum Reserve (1981-03-18)
- PLRD-81-11 - Knoxville Expo '82 (1981-03-20)
Why Changes Are Needed in Law on Reuse of U.S. Pavilions at International Expositions - MASAD-81-13 - Financial Status of Major Federal Acquisitions September 30, 1980 (1981-03-20)
- EMD-81-27 - Natural Gas Plan Needed To Provide Greater Protection for High-Priority and Critical Uses (1981-03-23)
- EMD-81-47 - The Energy Conservation Program for Schools and Hospitals Can Be More Effective (1981-03-23)
- EMD-81-51 - DOE Light Water Reactor Fuel Utilization Improvement Program (1981-03-23)
- B-202463 - Possible Shifting of Department of Energy Synthetic Fuels Commercial Demonstration Projects] (1981-03-24)
- EMD-81-46 - The Department of Energy's Water-Cooled Breeder Program--Should It Continue? (1981-03-25)
- 115535 - Natural Gas Supply Problem Encountered by Massachusetts During January 1981 (1981-03-26)
- EMD-81-59 - Issues in Leasing Offshore Lands for Oil and Gas Development (1981-03-26)
- 114744 - Strategic Petroleum Reserve (1981-03-30)
- EMD-81-45 - Department of Energy Needs To Resolve Billions in Alleged Oil Pricing Violations (1981-03-31)