Department of Energy Reports for June 1981
- 119344 - Natural Gas Supplies and Federal Policy Concerning the Use of Natural Gas (1981-06-01)
- EMD-81-73 - Changes in Natural Gas Prices and Supplies Since Passage of the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (1981-06-04)
- 115402 - Fair Value Pricing of Uranium Enrichment Services (1981-06-05)
- EMD-81-99 - Bonneville Power Administration's Efforts To Implement the Conservation Provisions of Public Law 96-501 (1981-06-08)
- EMD-81-66 - The Department of Energy Needs Better Procedures for Selecting a Contractor To Operate Argonne National Laboratory (1981-06-08)
- EMD-81-58A - New England Can Reduce Its Oil Dependence Through Conservation and Renewable Resource Development (1981-06-11)
- EMD-81-58 - New England Can Reduce Its Oil Dependence Through Conservation and Renewable Resource Development (1981-06-11)
- EMD-81-78 - Is Spent Fuel Or Waste From Reprocessed Spent Fuel Simpler To Dispose Of? (1981-06-12)
- EMD-81-91 - Continuing Need for a National Helium Conservation Policy (1981-06-15)
- EMD-81-94 - Policies Governing the Bonneville Power Administration's Repayment of Federal Investments Need Revision (1981-06-16)
- B-202893 - Applicability of the Vacancies Act] (1981-06-17)
- EMD-81-82 - Views on Energy Conservation and the Federal Government's Role (1981-06-17)
- 115542 - Proposed Helium Legislation (1981-06-18)
- FPCD-81-43 - Civil Servants and Contract Employees (1981-06-19)
Who Should Do What for the Federal Government? - EMD-81-102 - Greater Use of Satellite Telecommunications To Link ADP Facilities Could Save Millions (1981-06-19)
- EMD-81-107 - Status of Strategic Petroleum Reserve Activities--June 1981 (1981-06-19)
- B-199422 - Review of DOE Contract] (1981-06-22)
- MASAD-81-33 - Department of Energy Can Improve Management of the Acquisition of Major Projects (1981-06-22)
- 115592 - Views on S. 1080, the Regulatory Reform Act (1981-06-23)
- EMD-81-101 - Improvements Needed in DOE's Efforts To Disseminate Solar Information (1981-06-24)
- 115590 - The Government's Use of Civil Servants and Contractors (1981-06-24)
- AFMD-81-58 - Status, Progress, and Problems in Federal Agency Accounting During Fiscal 1980 (1981-06-25)
- EMD-81-110 - Elimination of Federal Funds for the Heber Project Will Impede Full Development and Use of Hydrothermal Resources (1981-06-25)
- EMD-81-100 - DOE Needs To Reestablish a Solar Energy Goal and Develop Plans To Achieve That Goal (1981-06-25)
- EMD-81-112 - Update of Cost Information on Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project (1981-06-26)
- EMD-81-103 - Energy Impacted Area Development Assistance Program's Designation Criteria (1981-06-26)
- EMD-81-92 - DOE's Assignment of Operating and Testing Responsibilities for OTEC-1 (1981-06-30)