Department of Energy Reports for September 1981
- HRD-81-102 - Pension Losses of Contractor Employees at Federal Institutions Can Be Reduced (1981-09-03)
- EMD-81-97 - A New Headquarters/Field Structure Could Provide a Better Framework for Improving Department of Energy Operations (1981-09-03)
- EMD-81-140 - Actions by the Bonneville Power Administration To Implement the Long-Term Contracting Provisions of P.L. 96-501 (1981-09-04)
- ID-81-38 - Unresolved Issues Remain Concerning U.S. Participation in the International Energy Agency (1981-09-08)
- EMD-81-71 - Less Regulatory Effort Needed To Achieve Federal Coal Conversion Goals (1981-09-08)
- PAD-81-87 - Status Report on Implementation of GAO's Audit Findings and Recommendations (1981-09-10)
- EMD-81-142 - The Oil Shale Corporation Loan Guarantee Contract (1981-09-10)
- EMD-81-131 - The Debate Over Acid Precipitation (1981-09-11)
Opposing Views and Status of Research - EMD-81-105 - Burdensome and Unnecessary Reporting Requirements of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act Need To Be Changed (1981-09-14)
- EMD-81-111 - Congress Should Increase Financial Protection to the Public From Accidents at DOE Nuclear Operations (1981-09-14)
- EMD-81-144 - The Department of Energy's Use of Support Service Contractors To Perform Basic Management Functions (1981-09-14)
- 116385 - Impacts of the Price-Anderson Act on Nuclear Research and Development (1981-09-15)
- ID-81-63 - Industry Views on the Ability of the U.S. Photovoltaics Industry To Compete in Foreign Markets (1981-09-15)
- EMD-81-113 - Ineffective Management of the Appropriate Technology Small Grants Program (1981-09-15)
- AFMD-81-106 - Weaknesses in Internal Financial and Accounting Controls at DOE Accounting Stations (1981-09-17)
- EMD-81-141 - Anthracite Coal Supply for the 1981-82 Winter (1981-09-18)
- EMD-81-132 - Coal and Nuclear Wastes--Both Potential Contributors to Environmental and Health Problems (1981-09-21)
- PLRD-81-61 - Review of Government-Wide Contracting Systems for Film and Videotape Productions (1981-09-21)
- 116390 - Industry Views on the Effect of Proposed Budget Reductions on the Ability of the U.S. Photovoltaics Industry To Compete in Foreign Markets (1981-09-21)
- 116558 - Financial and Operational Problems at Three Mile Island (1981-09-22)
- EMD-81-123 - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Needs To Act on the Construction-Work-In-Progress Issue (1981-09-23)
- EMD-81-145 - Analysis of Federal Funding for Electric Utility R&D Projects (1981-09-28)
- EMD-81-117 - The United States Remains Unprepared for Oil Import Disruptions (1981-09-29)
- EMD-81-147 - The Tertiary Incentive Program Was Poorly Designed and Administered (1981-09-29)
- FPCD-81-76 - Travel Policies and Practices of Department of Energy Grantees (1981-09-30)
- EMD-81-137 - Comparison of Six Projects Managed by DOE and Government-Owned, Contractor-Operated Laboratories (1981-09-30)