Interpretation and Potential Impact of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's FY 1983 Budget Request
Gao ID: EMD-82-94 June 9, 1982GAO was requested to address concerns about the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) fiscal year 1983 budget request.
The FERC budget request has been complicated by the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) submission of an amendment to the original FERC budget submission. FERC has expressed concern that the amendment appears to reduce its request from $92.5 million to $32.5 million with the remaining $60 million coming from the collection and retention of user charges by FERC. OMB believes that the language in the amendment ensures that FERC will receive the full $92.5 million regardless of the level of collections. However, ambiguous language appears to limit its request for budget authority to $32.5 million.