Status of Strategic Petroleum Reserve Activities as of September 30, 1983
Gao ID: RCED-84-11 October 14, 1983Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reported on the administration's progress in filling the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) during the fourth quarter of fiscal year (FY) 1983.
GAO found that: (1) Congress dropped additional FY 1983 SPR funding which will cause the SPR to enter FY 1984 operating under a continuing resolution and with funds carried over from prior years; (2) the SPR fill rate was about 310,000 per day, bringing the FY 1983 daily fill rate to about 8,000 barrels; (3) as of September 30, 1983, about 28.7 million barrels had been arranged for delivery for FY 1984; (4) the SPR program for developing permanent storage capacity proceeded on schedule during the fourth quarter; and (5) DOE estimates of payments during the quarter for oil delivery and transportation totaled about $440 million.