Department of Energy Reports for September 1983
- AFMD-83-92 - Department of Energy Contracts With the Decision Planning Corporation (1983-09-06)
- NSIAD-83-51 - International Restraints to Competitiveness of the U.S. Heavy Electrical Equipment Industry (1983-09-14)
- 122327 - Bonneville Power Administration's Repayment of the Federal Investment (1983-09-14)
- 122381 - Private Financing for the Clinch River Breeder Reactor (1983-09-15)
- RCED-83-234 - Procurement Practices in DOE's Office of the Assistant Secretary for Conservation and Renewable Energy (1983-09-15)
- RCED-83-193 - Status of Various Electric Energy Conservation Programs, Activities, and Powerplant Capacities in the United States (1983-09-19)
- 122378 - Private Financing for the Clinch River Breeder Reactor (1983-09-20)
- RCED-83-212 - Status of the Great Plains Coal Gasification Project--Summer 1983 (1983-09-20)
- RCED-83-238 - Analysis of Gasoline Prices in Cattaraugus County, NY (1983-09-22)
- 122384 - U.S. Participation in the International Energy Agency's Fourth Emergency Sharing System Test (1983-09-22)
- 122487 - Certain DOE Procurement Practices and the Residential Conservation Service (1983-09-26)
- NSIAD-83-69 - Pros and Cons of Exporting Alaskan North Slope Oil (1983-09-26)
- NSIAD-83-28 - Controlling Exports of Dual-Use Nuclear-Related Equipment (1983-09-29)
- RCED-83-192 - Reasons for the Termination of, and DOE Losses in, a Geothermal Demonstration Powerplant Project (1983-09-29)